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Herein by reading this webpage, I OWN YOU. I own your house, your car, your spouse, your first born, and your little dog too; I own your soul! BWA HAA HAA YOU'RE MINE, MINIONS, ALL MINE!

I made this page solely as a creative outlet. It's theraputic for me and helps me to cope with the all the turmoils with which I deal. All pictures are stolen, illegally, (ssshhhh! don't tell) and some of them are doctored up by yours truly. If it's funny, or if it is covered with penises: I doctored it.

This page is my opinions and my views with a quite a bit of my sarcastic sense of humor, and if you don't like it, then leave the site, plain and simple! I'm not tieing you down in front of your computer and stapling your eyelids open, forcing you to absorb every word on my website. Use your God given right to click the X in the upper right corner if you don't like my site. And don't let the door hit you.....

with that in mind, let the good times roll