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Aim: In Use By Stupid People Too

So one fine day, due to exorbitant amounts of school work, I spent the entire day in the computer lab on campus. I needed to scan pictures, so I had the ingenius idea that I could sign on to my second screenname and send my pictures to my computer via AOL Instant Messenger. The computer that is hooked up to the scanner is and older one and is being quite slow, but I finally get the picture to scan the way I want it to. I try to sign on to my own screenname, but someone ingeniusly had their own screenname not only saved onto the computer, but also set up to automatically log in. It takes too much time and effort to make this computer do anything, so I just leave the screenname on and send my picture to myself from it. Because I'm already not in the nicest mood already, I felt the need to make this kid a profile reading something to the extent of, "I am an idiot who left my password saved in the computer lab." I also left his screenname on in the computer lab all day. Aren't I a bitch??

So I go on throughout my day thinking nothing of it, but now, everytime I sign on to my screenname, two different people, the screenname I "borrowed" and another one, instant message me asking, demanding to know who I am. Bwa haa haa! I'll never tell. Let's think about it. If they were good little detectives, they would have clicked the link to my homepage, which has my picture. Secondly, what kind of person leaves their password saved on a public computer? I'll tell you: stupid people.

So here's a reminder:

When on a public computer,

1) do not leave the "Auto Log-in" box checked in.

2) do not leave the "Save Password" box checked in.

I've got a better idea, why don't you let these kiddos know!?!

Click here to inform the child about the dangers of leaving one's password saved on a public computer.

Click here to compliment his friend about the awesome detective work she's been doing.

Click here to return to an awesome website.