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Wow, this is almost TOO overwhelmingly cool!

This web site is currently under construction.

Basically, when I think of something witty to write here, I'll do it, and when I get around to making some cool intro art and whatnot, I'll do that too. Or maybe Ill just post nude pictures of your mom...eating popcorn, with a mask of a monkey over her face and a big cup full of...wood chips. I really don't know. I am so tired right now its taking me thirty minutes to type each word, since I keep spelling it wrong, changing it, spelling it right, think im spelling it wrong when im not, getting distracted, and poking myself with a sharp knife.

At this moment, there are some things you can go to. You can see my site about the movie I tried to make, French Bread Ninjas. Or you can not, and just leave and go somewhere cool. To a web site that doesn't make you think of your mom naked. If for any reason you want to email me, please fast for a week, spin around in a circle while being whipped by flaggellants, fast again, eat lemons until your mouth turns to pulpy mush and your tongue is little more then a red, bloody lump, lay naked on the hihgway for three hours, and then mediate on your question, and if i really need to here. If the answer is yes, please repeat the above listed steps. If the answer is no, good.

My email is, and I'm not gonna make a goto link beacause thats stupid.