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Welcome to xiNli's Neglected Blog Cum Graveyard


Hello, My name's Xinli.
And I'm 18 years of age. (soon)
I was born at Mt Alvernia Hospital.
On the fateful day 10 Jan 1989 at 1228H.
You'd probably don't know who I am but I do.

I love green, bronze, white and purple.
My hobbies are chasing after cats and making them chase after me.


agar agar
bijun e pigeon
chen ya
erisca aka plain porn-y
esme aka mee meep
fits (lol)
huii aka wild cat(tigress)
jean cai
pam sim
sharon liew
ty beansprout
valerie zhang
zhi hui aka xiao bai
we the girl guides
bunny and me!!
cedar guides
cutesy madness!!


$30 at aussino
luggage bag (bot at new world order)
SWITCH laptop sling bag
$89 at manzana
(the colour combi is great!)
$16 at manzana
(it's not there anymore!)
black pig doormat!!
$30 at Muee
black pig tissue box holder
$21 at Muee
Muee soft leather purse (blue)
$13 at Muee
Clarins Face Shaping Lift
$68 Y. auctions

Ettusais Day Protect Powder
(bought refill!)
Gucci Envy Me EDT
ALOT. =_=
Gucci Envy Me 2 Limited Ed EDT
ALOT too.
Bronze stuff eg watch
watch $20 at Far East
Black leggings with buttons
pierre cardin bra set
$39 for 2 at robinsons
(damn no more.)
a nice denim skirt
a nice fila tee
puma green tee
$23 at puma shop
shoe scent (greatly needed. =_=)
abt $9

Past entries

under construction

Bling Bling!

Terms of use
Makiyo Designs


This is my graveyard. No Trespassing Allowed.
Don't dirty my place, steal my offerings, dig out my grave or anything.
Try to be funny, and I'll haunt you for 666 zillion years.


<18 Jun 07>

Hoho! A fresh new day! Too bad I'm really lacking behind in mugging..But I dun really care. For now. I just blogged in our new blog and the topic is first impressions! Great way to start off our new blog. But bunny haven posted hers so I won't be posting anything yet. Wanted to go jogging but ended up blogging and not have enough time. Plus, Jerlyn woke up late and couldn't get the **** from Xiany so I will have to meet her instead, so I have less time. for the day! :D Here!

<17 Jun 07>

Mood: playful!
OH MAN, after fitrah told me that theres no history consultation tmr, (i thought tmr is the 20th), I HAVE BEEN SLACKING. And im very happy about slacking. It seems that my mugginess comes in short bouts that last for a few days and defuse later on, making me frustrated and wanting to slack. I want to blog about our new blog, but first! I must mentioned the dream I did not write down in my morning post. I dreamt that I was in some science lab, and the first animal (monkey? cant rmb) that contracted a human disease (flu??) was found. So there I was, sitting near the edge of the workbench, staring at that first animal being manipulated by the researcher on my right, who's sitting at the breadth of the workbench. The guy was inserting something to sterilise, but then the weird thing is, its not very hygiene. He touched the animal, then went to touch and open the box to retrieve the sterile swab solid. That makes the box kinda dirty right? What if other researchers didn't use the sterile solid but just took the box to keep it? Then they will be infected right? Anyway, I started to worry about myself cuz I was the only one not wearing protective gear, and I was in such close proximity with the thing. Just when I was wondering if the air I breathed in was contaminated, this female researcher (ang moh? indian? cnnt rmb!) beckoned me over and asked me to smell something on a stove which was meant to sterilise the air I breathed in. And on the stove was this little pot/bowl with a wire mesh over it. As I peered into it through the wire mesh, I see a dead rat! And it's half cooked (actually, mostly cooked). The cooked parts look like brown chopped chicken meat. Yea, weird dream. Anyway, while bunny and i were slacking at night at serangoon club, we started our first blog! I was supposed to do history so I had my laptop, and I tried out the wireless connection that they have. It turned out that the location was under Wireless@Sg too! GREATO! haha, HERE'S THE GREAT NEW BLOG! Haha, I think the guy who bunny think is cute (omg he's 2 yrs younger than you can!) heard our password. LOL. Then bunny went to type alot of crap in our supposed-to-be-an-intro and then went "OH NO! I have alot of things I wanna say leh!" HAIS! Haha...And she keep typing an extra d..Still dare to criticise me! Oh and I almost wanted to call ty at midnight to wish her happy bday when I realised its thursday lahh! Btw, as for this blog, I don't really wanna let it die, so I shall see how.

<17 Jun 07>

Mood: relaxed
HMMM. I should be meeting Bunny today again soon, but I have not started my history research! And the consultation is tmr! *PRAYS fitrah and jo did come up with some qns* Tmr we are also going to celebrate ty's bday, and on Monday Bunny and I are going to watch Pirates! Haha...I'm really busy! Busy slacking that is...On Monday Bunny is going to Uncle Ringo's Fun Fair. (Is that how its spelt??) Damn she's so slack as! Eh I was going through my bookmarks ytd, and I saw this really ZAI (beatboxing?) choir in this advertisement. Click! Somehow I just can't get it to embed...The movie just wouldn't load. Nevermind! My div box is too small anyway! Oh, and dear mabel is 18 already too! Wee~Welcome to the 18s club of 1806!

<14 Jun 07>

Mood: bored
Time is running out and piles of workload are still untouched. But I'm really bored right now, so I will post a picture of TEPPEI~~~~!!!!! :D

Ok, I think he looks a little like Hideaki Takizawa here.

huehue! This is from his movie Love Complex where he plays a short boy (156cm in the manga) while the girl is 170cm! Click here to find out more! FOr screenshots, click here. Hehe! I think its really cute when they speak in this show cuz they use a Kansai dialect, and everytime they finish a sentence, they add a yaaa~! Gosh so kawaii! And that's Teppei's own dialect too! WEE!

<14 Jun 07>

Mood: nemui
Oh today Jerlyn and I went to watch Pirates of the Carribean at Cineleisure but we failed because the tickets were sold out and there weren't reasonable time slots left. I got this $1 discount off (max 3) movie tickets from the Peelfresh thingy and I was hoping to catch Pirates FINALLY, but I forgot to bring enough money. So I didn't manage to buy the tickets like I'm supposed to before I went to meet Jerlyn for her hair cut. Urgh. Hence when we reached the tickets were all gone!! The thing is if I didn't top up my card, or if I just topped up 5 bucks, I would have been able to buy the tickets! *depressed* Anyway I don't think I am able to watch Pirates anymore....In the end Jer and I went around and discussed Ty's bday plans. Heheh! No more shall be told, in case she gets wind of it. And the peelfresh thingy has this weekly draw, and the prize is a red ipod nano and 1 year free movie tickets while the GRAND prize is $5000 and 1 year free movie tickets! GOSH. That will settle my debt immediately! I'm determined to win! Anyway, the upcoming draw date is TMR so I went to post it today, at the Singapore Post Office so that it will save the hassle of sending it to the SG Post Office from other postboxes. Mehehe. All in the hope that it will reach tmr and be at a desirable position to be picked. (No one will dig so deeply to pick a winner right?)

<13 Jun 07 >

Mood: annoyed
Omg. I cannot believe what is happening. MY BROADBAND CONTRACT IS GOING TO END TMR AND I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT BEFORE TODAY. And the thing is I'm afraid it takes some days to process. Anyway, I did a little something before, which is to call back the singtel personnel. Then she told me I have to sign up online or go to a Hello shop. But when I signed up for the recontract online, they denied my application saying only those 18 and above can do that! I am appalled! Like, how many months has passed since I had my 18th bday?? And the thing is, I hate the inconvenience! I dislike not being able to use the option/privilege/whatever that I'm SUPPOSED to be entitled to. So yea, I went down to Citylink today after some unmotivated studying, only to find to my horror that the Hello shop was gone! @_@ Thanks to all those who replied to my msg, cuz in the end I managed to find another Hello shop. After queueing for a long time, I was asked to leave a number so the person can call me. (.............................) So basically, I went down just to leave my phone number down. I didn't even join the real queue you know?? I was queueing for the queue ticket. So I might as well do it over the phone right?!? So ridiculous! BRRR....Wasted my time. *pissed*

<12 Jun 07>

Mood: hysterical
HAHHAH I got this off reg's blog! =_=;; I may like cats but I don't wear cat ears! rofl! Innocent Uke
Innocent Uke
Take Are you a Seme or an Uke? today!
Created with Rum and Monkey's Personality Test Generator.

Cute and sweet, and most gentle of all uke. Whips and chains are not for you - you just want someone to love you. You are often spotted in candy shops wearing furry kitty ears, where you are sure to be noticed by the Romantic Seme whose protective instincts will kick in and will only want to take you home and love and protect you. And you of course will be more than happy to spend the rest of your life baking cookies for your seme. OH btw reg got badass uke, which apparently is the highest level uke, and suitable for don't f*** with me seme. And the thing is, her fren got that. :D

<11 Jun 07>

Mood: bouncy
I know I don't update my blog, and ppl have given up reading my blog! BUT! I've returned to make a halfhearted revival!! yay!! anyway most of you might have known this....I LOVE TEPPEI-PYON! HES SO CUTE! HOW CAN HE HAVE SUCH A CUTE FACE WITH CUTE SPARKLING EYES OMFG! I already liked him in gokusen 2 where he wore hair clips and hairband! So cute! But recently i found a picture of him when i was searching for Mokomichi and voila! My interest has been ignited again! OMG even his voice is cute!! I watched dragon zakura today and its a great watch! I'm not in the mood to study i rejected emme's invite to study..Hope she found someone! Anyway, this show is about a lawyer trying to get 5 students to enter Toudai aka University of Tokyo aka Dong1 Da4! I assume you guys know this famous school. Basically Ryuuzan is the worst school and getting into a university itself is already a problem for most students, and it so happens that the best school is just like 100m away, which kinda added in some angst. This is especially so for a pair of fraternal twin, one of which is obnoxiously ashamed of his baka older brother. Oops im sidetracking...basically the school has finally reached its limit---it has gone bankrupt!! so when Sakuragi, the lawyer, went to the school, he was inspired to accomplish that mission! OH and i think that Abe Hiroshi is hot because of his role as Sakuragi! Cuz hes so ZAI! This drama is pretty realistic, interesting, yet rather harsh. So you may end up hating some characters. In fact some youtuber hate Sakuragi! T_T Personally I hate the staff cuz they are VERY annoying! Hopefully I will make a dragon zakura fanvid and another of teppei's cute moments soon! wee! rabu rabu heaven!

<24 Jan 07>

Mood: Dead
My laptop's modem port died. Its true. Changing cables didn't do the trick. It's time to get a new laptop! :D And I must practise Eleine Klein Nachtmusik!

<17 Jan 07>

Im SOOOOO BORED! I slept til my head feels cloudy. I can't stand not doing anything for 2 weeks!! and the medcine is so exp. sigh. Im feeling sad too cuz no one is celebrating my bday on my bday! But many many thanks to valerie who made my day! and other friends who showed concern too!

<1 Jan 07>

Mood: obssessed
Poker is so distracting! I think I'm gg to end up doing barely any hw in the end. >_____< I recommend you guys poker superstar! Its really fun to make some ppl bankrupt and eliminate them. *sadistic* Ah all because of bad agar and her games in her new laptop!

<29 December 06>

Mood: bouncy
I've got my new blog layout up a few days ago and now its more or less complete! yAY! oH and gay as usual, got free movie tickets....And recently its for Deathnote! Haha of course i'm the one invited, and its good for her too cuz i can explain what's going on. But im still slightly confused sometimes..heh. L is damn weird but I love him. Darn I only just realised what a glutton he is! In 80% of the scenes he was chewing on chocolates or sth. I heard there's a Deathnote 3 out in 2008 and it's based on another novel --- Deathnote: Another Note. It's all abt L! I read the summary and it sounds cute and funny. Can't wait to watch! Basically today i cooked chicken spaghetti for jer, em and myself. I added cheddar cheese to the sauce and voila! It worked wonders! Jer kept watching Nodame Cantabile...cuz its addictive! Lotsa luff to Deborah who intro-ed me this series! Too bad Ty didn't come in the end. Thanks to emme who specially came to eat MY spaghetti which I COOKED. :D Btw this is my new sling bag from Manzana, Citylink.
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
can't wait for my Clarins Shaping Lift!

<7 December 06>

Mood: tired happy!
wanted to take a picture with my phone which is better but i cant find it! therefore i cudnt sms ppl to share my joy too!!! raahhhh. I was playing with the com...its reli alot to get 1000 points from each player lehhh! so proud of myself! but in my excitement i forgot to take photo of the tiles itself! :D Neverthless, I managed to get shi san yao before age of 21...HAHA! I got "10 orphans" at the start already, and the tiles that are almost just what I need! So lucky..>___<

Accomplishment done at 5.51am.

<4 November 06>

Mood: touched
Music: Jiang Nan by Lin Jun Jie
haha. ppl are complaining that i have not blogged for ages. so here i am!! *twirls my way into the spotlight* How am I? Basically facing job failures and yet remains slightly bouncy/happy. Hopefully I can land a job when I go vivo city tmr! :D Thankfully I have Glynix to help me...she's the lobang empress dowager! (Btw i just realised i cant spell emperor.) PW wise im sooooooo not in the mood----but i promise to get the script memorised and do sth for INR 2nd draft. Promos wise I passed everything, for BCMhgp I got BDDEB b4 moderation and BDCDB after moderation. Generally happy that I managed to pass everything, ESPECIALLY HISTORY. I got 48% and thought I wudn't pass cuz my midyrs was 26%. Den overall 44.7 and thus round up to give 45! But judging by alteration for marks on my paper, maybe they cross referenced with mid yrs and tried to give me more marks so I can pass overall. My threshold for passing is a D. I mean how can you even consider it a pass when its more than half wrong?!?! So everything went well, except for history (E). But then again, I didnt have high expectations for it anyway. Chem arh, can bang my head against the wall. I studied the hardest for chem but got a pathetic D. Thought paper was easy and cud get B or C. Ok, away from results and more to what im doing nowadays. I'm learning basic japanese and now it has become an irregular effort but im gonna start on it soon. Deborah is there to sms and ask qns too!! Lucky lucky me! These days Sabrina has been coming over despite HAVING O LEVELS. So I ended up cooking for sabrina and thus learn to cook! and amongst the things she bought, I found instant fried noodles! After 2 years of hopeless longing, I have finally found the ultimate!!! AHHHHH!!!! the experience when I first (and I thought its my last too) devoured that yummy bowl of noodles is unforgettable! You can imagine my horror when I found the vending machine in Cedar stopped selling those (unhealthy) noodles. *bliss* I'm currently obssessed with Jiang Nan by JJ, Only Human by K, My Prerogative by BS and Butterfly Kiss by Chihiro Yonekura. Pls click on the links to listen to these songs. Honestly so far JJ Lin's mvs are sucky but his songs and voice is great so just ignore whatever is on the screen k? K is a Korean singer who sang this Japanese song for a Jap drama called 1 litre of tears. Basically its abt a girl who got Spinocerebellar Degeneration. Its a nerve disorder, and she gradually lost her ability to walk, to talk, and even to choke when she is eating as she couldn't swallow. The cruel part of this disease is that she remains sane - which meant that she is fully conscious of what is happening and realises her helplessness and the worse that the future holds. This is adapted from a story of a real girl who managed to persevere, from 15 all the way to 25. Click to find out more. I showed you the short version of Only Human cuz I wanted to show you guys how well he sang! Its live yet he sang so well. My Prerogative you know la. Butterfly Kiss is Rave's theme song, and I liked it cuz its uplifting and aspiring at the same time. Reli great!

<31 October 06>

My mother just bloody switched off the com. Now I cant think of any other things to blog. Just that freaking scene of her switching off my com. She should bang her head against the wall and die. I never liked her anyway.