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Welcome to my hell

...It seems as if I have failed with this website. My idea was for it to have people understand me... to find out what I'm like... my interests. It's mainly because of my pictures. That's why most are so interested in this website. They think I look cool or I'm attractive.
If I demanded a password in order to see my pictures and put the password at the end of pages that are about me, most likely not very many people would see me. But that's fine. I'm not going to force anyone to read about me.
I encouraged people to get to know me. You, who is reading this... it must mean you are actually interested in what I have to say.

Or maybe you don't care. Maybe you're just reading because it's just any other kind of text here. So why type this out if I know not many will read it and will most likely just want to see my pictures? I don't know. This is a page of gratitude for the persons who read about me.
Who really deserves to know about me? It can only be your choice. Maybe no one deserves anything.

Once you know no one is listening to what you have to say, you're only talking to yourself. I don't do this for you but rather for myself.
Sometimes it doesn't matter if I was better than anyone. I'd rather be as good as I want to be.
Then again, who's to say what's good without a competitor?... I'm only significant to myself.... It doesn't matter if anyone likes me as long as I like myself.

I guess I do...: )


My Life

Excplicit Opinions (Q & A)


Contact Me

My Pictures