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Kate Brown August 26, 2003 Period 2 Mr. Bolken ALL ABOUT ME Well first of all, my name is Melinda Brown – but I like to go by my middle name, Kate. I was born in a small town in Kentucky but I’ve lived here in Vegas for the past 4 years or so. I have three older brothers: Alex, Graham, and Douglas. Alex is a senior here at Coronado and is a goalie for our lacrosse team. He turned 17 back in March. Graham, who will be 21 in November, is studying to be a pharmacist at UNLV. He is currently working as a pharmacist tech. Douglas, my oldest brother, just turned 28 in July. He lives in El Paso, Texas, where he works as a high school band director. My very best friend’s name is Jordan Lupe, and she’s a freshman here also. We love to go to the movies, have sleepovers, talk on the phone, and just hang out. My other best friend, Melanie, moved to Denver, Colorado last year but we still talk a lot. Even though I’m not very athletic myself, I love watching sports – mainly lacrosse and football. I enjoy listening to music a whole lot, as well. My favorite bands are Thrice, AFI, The Used, Deftones, and The Transplants. Another thing I really love to do is hang out at the beach all day in California. My favorite place in the whole world would have to be Santa Barbara, California. The weather is always perfect out there, and the environment is absolutely beautiful. Plus, as you already know, I love the ocean. Speaking of favorite places, I really, really like shopping –I try to go at least once every-other week! My favorite stores are Hollister and Abercrombie & Fitch. But I also kind of like Pacific Sun-wear, American Eagle, and Beyond the Beach. On the weekends, if I’m not shopping, I’m usually either hanging out around the house being lazy, at the movies, or out watching football and lacrosse games. When I graduate high school, I want to go on to college and earn my degree in journalism so that I can write articles for teen magazines. I really enjoy writing – English has always been one of my favorite subjects in school. I can write just about anything, from poetry to fictional stories. Well, I hope that you enjoyed reading my little essay, and that this makes you feel like you kind of know me better now. Everything else about me is just boring stuff that I don’t think you’d care to know.