My Outlets: I love to write. Unfortunately, my best work comes out when I’m upset. Reading phases come and go-- but my taste stays the same. Humor, and melodramatic. Either will do, for any situation.

My Tastes: I love movies. War movies, and action movies. Romantic comedies should die.. Unless, of course, they’re more comedy than romance. I've come to hate traditional punk. A lot.

As Far as description goes: This will have to do. People have called me morose, selfish, cynical, sarcastic, belligerent, vain, and stubborn. I suppose I can’t deny any of those accusations:) Oh well, if her intentions are good... I care about people, and I’m not sure why. Goal consists of getting them better, and foregoing my own mental heath for it.

I cannot spell.

On the opposite sex: Yeah, I’ve been in love. Or at least I think I have. To the point it makes me sick thinking back on it. Guy uses girl, girl will do anything for guy, girl gets hurt. Your typical, weak chic story. Yeah, I hate being that girl, but i am. Walls have been put up because of it, and they don’t plan to come down anytime soon. It’s better this way. I might be, possibly, a little open. ::cough cough::

I might be too emotional.

My better half: Erin, my best friend in quite a few hours from me is, well, a very nice girl. Every time you see me motivated, it’s because of her. She’s my will, and the power to carry it out. I thank her so much for that.

On Religion: I believe in God. I do not believe in Christianity, Judaism, or any of the religions people belong to. I don’t believe in the people of God. They’ve proven themselves to be mindless fanatics--two things I dislike very much.

Hobbies: I’m learning the guitar, which will, I’m sure, prove to be futile. I body board occasionally, and ride my horse every so often. Mostly, I, well, do nothing. Or I go visit Beezer (aforementioned horse). He’s a cool guy; the coolest one I’ve met so far.

Aspirations: I’d like to become an elementary school teacher, and teach handicapped kids riding on weekends. Maybe have a camp in the summer. (I have an affinity for special ed kids). I want a very small farm (read 5 acres) in VA, maybe somewhere else, and to adopt. If I don't’ meet the guy I’m going to spend the rest of my life with by the time I’m 26, I’m starting without him. Maybe I’ll get some chickens, too. :)

I’m very lazy.