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Holly Berry

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i am watching the real world right now. IT amazes me how many issues they have.Geez, i mean seriously are they actually act like that in real life? I have a chihauhau, her name is Zoie, she's going to be a year in october. She is the center of my life. i play the didgeridoo, kinda. IT's not really hard, you just blow. Not hard at all. it kinda looks like a bong. I love Panda Bears. They have been in my life since i was born. My 2 favorite movies are the last unicorn and Casablanca. i love to read romance novels. I love amusement parrks. i love rollar coasters. i like put ptting, but hate golf.i used to watch Daria, it's not on anymore though, it makes me sad.alcohol is good. just not too much.