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If you are looking for something to do with butterflies, you might or might not be on the correct website.

However, i would really hope that you will enjoy browsing through all the stuff that you can find on the pages and feel free save the pictures that you are interested in!

I have got some fantastic websites at "Surf Da Net" section please go to those sites as they are really one the best sites that you can find on the internet.

Now, a short introduction about myself. I am from Singapore, has been staying for my whole life till now last year 2003 June. Singapore is a great place if you ever have a chance, please do go and visit. It's one of the most beautiful places you can find. I am currently however studying in Australia Melbourne in a fantastic college call Genazzano F.C.J College

It is a great school and it's a all girl school and I am boarding. The boarding house is called Hopetoun Hall. And let me tell you, this is the best boarding house you can ever find. It is a really fun place. I have two sisters that live in Southbank, but because they are both in University and i really hate to disturb them like what i did last year. So basically..that's what you should know about me!

Enjoy your stay!!