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Eric... Eric... Eric... Man you played me for a fool, didn't you? Cheating on me with another woman. I guess Eddie was right all those times. OH and then you're going to deny to her the truth. Eric, PUH LEEEEEZ!! Can we all say "LOOZER" together?! You are engaged to 2 women, Me and Sharleenia... Who knows how many more! You live with her and live off her. What kinda man does that make you? You have lied to basically everyone in this fed about who you really are, Eric Withrow. Sharleenia asked you to join the fed and you told her no... GEEE I WONDER WHY!!!! It is really aweful that we had to find out bout this over the internet. You have 2 women in love with you so very much and you broke their damn hearts. You always talked so bad about Eddie... But I think we obviously all see who the "Bad Brother" is now. I owe Eddie the biggest apology that I have ever owed ANYONE. I hope you feel like an asshole... because you are the biggest asshole I have EVER met in my life. I know how you get mad when people screw with things really important... like this site... so I hope you're FURIOUS!! Cuz I get pissed with people screw with my heart, the way you did. And the lil incident on Mother's Day... You were at your mom's house... riding your brother's bike down the road... Sharleenia was standing right down the road talkin to your mom and you were on the phone with me!! You are such an (In the words of BOBBIE) ASSCLOWN!! I hope the next person you are with... is either one of those abusive girlfriends, so she'll beat the hell outta you (Cuz if I was there, I'd do it) or cheats on you EXACTLY the way you did with my and Sharleenia. OH and I love the lil pattern you have going. You get engaged, cheat and get engaged to the one your cheating with, then break up with the other one, find another person get engaged, etc. You get the picture? Someone needs to get his head outta the clouds and outta his ass and put it on shoulder and life REALITY and not like the pimp he isn't. And I'm curious to know... You said you were gonna come down here for Bad Blood, what were ya gonna say to Sharleenia seeing as how you USE HER CAR!?! And you and her are SUPPOSE to get married in December... What were you gonna tell me?? This is it, Eric... No more lies... No more pain... no more tears... You can find yourself another person who will believe you bullshit, because I wont do it. I really hope I have nothing else to do with you. You are the true definition of "Jackass"... or maybe it's "Asshole"... or maybe... well we'll just say there are so many perfect definitions you truely are... Have a great life... Since it's all one great big lie.

Bobbie, please take me off the roster and let this site have NOTHING more to do with me. If you wish to IM me and chat, that's fine and dandy. My E-mail is and my SN is the same, just lose the "" Thanks Everyone for taking the time to learn what your owner and president REALLY is!