jjoys casa of awesomeness

ahh jjoys gatherings..

kevister y lizzy...

dance magic dance.


as we were walking back from white hen, some time, lizzy got a picture of dees bootAy.. and that thing on her pocket.. is a phone.. not some tumor?

the maxi pad being lit on fire.

...and the maxi pad on fire.

the best color pom pom... ever.

it was a cold winters night, when dee told lizzy how cool it would be to have it look like she was licking the pole and take a picture [but she didnt have to lick it], so lizzy went up to it and had a space between her tongue and the pole. a force of wind came?... and her tounge was attatched to the pole.. dumb and dumber style.

.. this is the after picture... ouchie.



look at that hot mexican of mine.. arriba!