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Art work

Blue eyes, Rose lips, Pale skin, Fingertips. Warm breath, Black heart, Whispered words, In the dark. Yesterday’s games, Today’s reality, Living in fear, Loss of sanity. Vampyres loose, Broken hearts, Childish games, Forever Apart

    Welcome one and all to the darker side. Of what you may ask. Of my LIFE! *Evil laughter fills the room, then dies off in a cough* This is my personal storage area for darker thoughts and evil conspiracy theories. *hears the chirps of crickets* Ahem, ok, ok, you caught me. Actually this is just a place for me. A place I can kick back, throw up my heels and say whatever the fuck I want. *Kicks up her heels and relaxes* 

So to explain a little about the page. Just think of it as a garden. And I'm *Smiles brightly* the garden keeper. So my garden's a little weed infested and mostly thorns. Somewhere in this garden are pretty little flowers. Either that or dead bodies. *Tries to look innocent, and moves on quickly*

    Ok, navigating through my garden has been made easy. Easier in fact then my old garden. For if you look to your left you will see the, what I call "idiots bar", It's there for you. Use it. Read what it says, click on what you want and it will take you there. *Gives you a cookie for being "sooooo" smart*

    Well this page is under heavy construction. *Hears the sounds of saw blades and a look of awe covers Stef's face* Wow, that sure is a lot of blood, I mean... ahem *Grins evilly and holds out another cookie for you* So if links don't work, take a number, leave a message in the guest book and come back soon to see if it's working.

Oh and I should warn you. Don't ever be late for checking for updates. Alice despises when anyone's late. *Bounces off to another section of her website, allowing Alice to guard this one*


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