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Rockin' the Casbah since December 23, 2004!!!!

You have unfortuantly stumbled into my little piece of cyberspace. Haha, sucks for you. After about a month of telling people about making this website, I have FINALLY gotten around to doing it. w00t! Three cheers for me!

Im constantly updating this thing, so if you check back later, there will probably be more things to waste your life reading!



January 31, 2005:
Eh.. I added more quotes to the Quotes page... check it out..

January 23, 2005:
Alright well, I got a guestbook on here.. so sign it. ^_^

My Pages:

Wanna know more about me?
What I believed in when I was a child..
Stupid things my friends have said (Quotes)
My Report Card grades
Sign my guestbook! ^_^
