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Nightmares Fairy

some of my poems___________________ Lost treasure /Her__-- Watery eyes from her broken heart that she had carried all her live till her last breath had yet came Her heart could no longer carry the unbearable pains and her body couldn’t always hide all the wounds If you looked deep in to her eyes behind the glaze of a fake smile you could see the hiding tears She never cried and showed self emotions only stayed with a unexplanatory look upon her face Shattered into pieces was her heart left with bruises and slits surrounding her body covered up with clothes Casting spells of immortality for her soul to haunt the unwanted enemies that circled her biologic living clock Like an unknown word writing in blood she remained no one ever really sure of what was truly her life story A berried treasure was her mind locked by a suppressed self emotion not wanting to let its imagination free Terrorized by living spirits of her past not wanting to let go unable to move forward to a new page of her life story Demons surround her coffin for they will never let her wounds heal even after death and her shattered heart from re-attaching Who knows what lies behind the unknown world of our fantasy named haven or our worst nightmare burning underworld known as hell Where will her body go next will her mind be free or will she be devastated to wake surrounded in blood from new wounds And will then she attempted to leave her fatal night mare like she as done so on this earth crowded by devastating self emotions ______________________________________________________ Broken heart_____--- Everything Is meaningless as everything becomes worthless Nothing is Worth caring for nothing is worth trying to get Crushed by love and killed by pain that’s all I can feel This life this pain this everything happening I only wish wasn’t real Moon light is coming as sun light disappears and now I wish I could do the same Stead of dancing in the nights beauty maybe tonight ill sees to be Ive been hurt mentally and not physically but emotionally but id ratter it be physically Id ratter be bleeding on the outside then deep within my heart Somewhere Im starting to lose what ive been for so long Tears of sadness drip down my face faster then I can wipe them away My heart is hurting me and my mind is going crazy every memory is coming back You don’t care coz you don’t feel you don’t see coz you refuse to realize it It’s a game in your mind and im just a player in your heart that’s all I was While im driving myself to destruction and im hurting myself even worst It’s so unfair and so uncaring for someone to hurt someone else the way uve hurt me But every time id blame it on myself as you screamed at me coz it made you feel better then me You could never admit that it wasn’t just me so id take it all , all the blame and pain Yet you always said you’re the one who’d give me another change when ur the one to blame Now it doesn’t matter coz all this burning within me like a growing flame and I can tell you Im not the one who’s going to take the blame this time again Its over forever and I cant even put down into words how much it hurts How much things are going through my mind and how many feelings im getting While I sit here and crying and im trying to stop giving in to something im not to blame for I keep on looking at your pictures I keep on listening to your voice on your tracks And its making it worst its making me feel like I should just give up everything ive worked for in life But I got to walk away I cant give in to you I cant lower myself to make you seem better then I am So this is the last time I say this one last thing before I go but remember I loved you You’re the one who pushed me away you’re the one the hurt me so many times So this is for one last time I say Good bye ______________________________________________________ Suicide___-- Your eyes are tired of letting out these tears rolling down your cheeks Your heart is braking slowly apart,your ears are tired of being called a freak You can’t walk without being seen tired of people making scenes You got no one to talk too tired of living in this world and your only sixteen The dark has come into your life you hold a knife to your wrist All the things you still haven’t done but your sure that you wont be missed Everything is going on wrong nothing will ever be right no matter what you do You give this life one last chance you ready to walk out already feeling blue The streets are silent but the stairs of others tell it all through their eyes They see the blood on your wrist from the knife now you got no more lies You cant control your anger anymore its out of your reach uncontrollable Your life is passing you by the loneliness is killing you your life is unstable For once in your life you pass a hole day without hearing people laughing at you Or so you thought, at the end of the day one guy had to say something true “Look at the loser she tried killing herself to bad it didn’t work!” The hole story starts again laughs fill the air that guy had to be a jerk Now she’s gone and she aint ever coming back and they all feel sorry For their selfishness that brought this girl in such pain and so many worries This time she didn’t hold a knife to her wrist but a gun to her head Doctors try to bring her back but her heart had already stopped now she’s dead People that laughed now cry because of the strong felling of being guilty They didn’t realize how lonely she was and how hurtful they were, they finely see On her tomb stone it said “ Let this girl finely be free” flowers cover her grave She was smart and so nice if only they had given her a chance, she was once brave ______________________________________________________ Ghost_________--- I walk the front of the house and get chills, its hot but im still freezing cold The floors are creaking behind my foot steps these stories have all been told The scary tails of this freaky old haunted house the ones that make you shiver Its been told that the people that lived here also died drowning in the river That they killed their own children in this house and hid their bodies inside Somewhere between the walls and stairs theirs a room were the kids used to hide Every step forward that I take is like a step backwards in my mind my heart is poundin These weird energies taking over my mind and body these energies keep on surrounding The house get its heat back at some moments till I come to this room bellow 0 degree I look around but theirs almost no sound its hard to move theres no light I cant find to see This cold air hits the back of my neck in a instinct i stop breathing and close my eyes I want to turn and run but I cant find the strength I look backwards and to my surprise The face I see isn’t scary but its such a beauty a little child that belongs to be free Tears in her eyes that have never dried out but yet she smiles and I think I finely see I fallow her leading that leads me to a dark hall way with no lights just darkness I pause for a moment and take a deep breath look in her eyes and at her white dress I begin to walk forwards not wanting to but having to, a feeling deep within me I come to a room that hasn’t been opened for a long time on it ,was writing Marie The door slowly opens letting this horrible smell come out, I hold in my breath The child bones are on her bed wearing the white dress, what are the causes of her death Tears in my eyes roll down my cheeks as I look around to see the child’s ghost Shes pointing to under her bed, I want to look but im scared of what I will find the most I get closer to the bed where her body lays I get on my knees as I reach for what’s under I find this book that says “My diary” I want to open and read it , its make me wonder What really happened to this young soul that was lost in sorrow and left to die lonely First page is written“To the person that finds my diary”like she knew this was going to be I was reading it till I came to a page that said “I don’t want to die yet” like it was planed But has I re-read it over and over the story of how she died remained unexplained She said that she regrets having killed the people that cared,shed give them her last breath She said that she miss her parents and that shes sorry for pushing them to there death The story was in the news paper from the 1860 it told the story, how she was never found She had a sister and a brother they went to the police and told, their energy is still around They looked for her trying to tell her it was a mistake but she ran away and came back To the house where it all started the lights were out everythin was dirty and black She took her own life god knows how maybe that’s how the future was suppose to be Sometimes you just cant change what is what you cant pick your way or disagree But this little girl that had such a beautiful soul a life ahead of her whyd she have to go The way she looks at me the tears in her eyes, but inside their a light that seems to glow All she wanted was to be heard to know what she did wrong to see her parents again The pain she feel inside killed her its like shes standing out side in some kind of acid rain Shes dead as in alive but still there as in haunting the pain is still there keeping her hurtin I tell her how she needs to stop blaming the things that have happened to stop believin That staying in this house will keep her from being free and keep her sorrow inside She smiled at me and spoke silently her tears are gone the ones that she had cried I say my goodbyes has she begins to fade away with a smile and a light in here eyes

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