Nice Girls Finish Last

Well now that we have heard from the guys on this issue
I think it's time for the ladies to be represented. Sure some
girls do fall for assholes but nine times out of ten it's
the sweet girl who is always there to listen that is passed
over for the "cheerleader" looking type or the class slut!
It's such a joke. Guys are so busy looking at girls boobs
that they don't even realize that we have brains as well!
I am just tired of hearing guys go on and on about
how they have been screwed over by these types of girls when
the girl who is perfect for them is the one they're complaining to.
And then god fobid we go out on a limb here and
tell you how we feel we get the infamous "friends" speech which
I know verbatim since I have heard it so many times.
Guys trust me unless you truly mean it the friends speech should
under no circumstance be delivered to a girl. It's like being stabbed
in the heart with a dull butterknife a thousand times.
Guys need to wake up out of their Playboy Fantasy World and
take off the blinders and see the girls who truly care about them.
On a final note guys, before you go and put your foot
in your mouth by giving a girl that likes you the "friends" speech
think about what you're doing. You might just be telling this to your soulmate.