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Welcome to my website, it is aimed so i can express my views without mockory from my peers, hassle from my school and detainment by the local police. I wish to remain anonomous so will use the nickname 'MV' throughout this website. I currently attend Lancaster Royal Grammer School and this website is partly aimed to encourage students in the younger years there (and at other schools) to take an intrest in politics and democracy as a whole. I have extremely strong views on many issues and have written some short arguments putting forward my views in the first part of the site. the second part of my site is links to outside websites, articles, downloads, pictures, cartoons and programs that you might find intresting. The third part is a guest book. If people would like to put forward their views e-mail them to me at along with an anonomous username. So far a 6th former going by the alias of "Username" has given me permission to post two of his arguments originally written for and to write more in the future. (1) Denotes an article written by myself or a member of LRGS (2) An outside link or "stolen" infomation

Free Will? (Username) (1)