Hey Johnny, I'm a lazyass, so I figured I'd just throw the pic's into a shell of a website so you can see 'em.I actually tried to take good pictures, which is hard to do with us retards. Most of the ones I took turned out blurry and retarded, but thats ok.

Jake ^ making his "schoolgirl slut" face"    Stephanie^ laughing                       Nate         ^ Laughing more

Had to include this one just to piss stephanie off..it's too seconds earlier, stephanie making some stupid face.

I'm aware of what this looks like. its kinky-hallway time. *not* and, fraser is not puking either, which is the other
image i get. Paone is death grabbing katharine's neck, and kati is on the right looking out of it.

i figured i'd include this one just so you know who "The fruit Derek" is. He's on the right, kati is on the left.
This is a picture when derek was talking to himself. himself. all alone.

Lara got to school late. Like always. ALWAYS. She looked like a wet dog, so I had to take a picture. Stephanie is
telling her off about it in this picture. Kati, as always, is looking out of it.

This is Katharine fraser, then Mr. Cherry our gym teacher, and then stephanie.
We like to make fun of mr. cherry and make him VERY uncomfortable. When I say uncomfortable, let me give you an idea of
what we're doing to the poor old fat man.

Stephanie: HEY MR. CHERRY!
cherry; ummm. i'm doing good, why aren't you two participating in class.
SP: we wanted to see you! c'mon now, mr. cherry!
cherry. yeahh....
me: isnt' that your purple minivan mr cherry? what are you trying to portray?
cherry. it's not purple
sp: Hey! Can we get a ride someplace mr. cherry?
me: Yeah, can we get a tour of your backseat?
sp: screw the car! I just want to ride you!
me: A personal tour...
cherry: y'all know that's innapropriate
sp: can i borrow your pen in your pocket mr cherry?
...it goes on, and it was worse than that. i toned it down. but thats what we do. he called my parents because of it, lol.

kati, lara, and fraser. see the glare off the windows? its always like htat. no matter what time of day, theres always sun DIRECTLY in your eyes.
The mirror thing behind fraser's head is so the teachers can watch you. *shudder*

paone had no idea that i was taking a picutre. she's drinking two-day-old root beer. sick.

lara and kati in spanish w/ me <behind the camera> lara finally dried out. see the look kati is giving her?
its along the lines of: WHAT THE FUCK!

This is an actually good picture. Ah, the two fingers up means "peace" in america..in some other countries
its like flickin somebody off, but its peace..

just to put faces to names, thats katie kelly on the left and lauren heimberg on the right.

This is how we usually see nate. I dunno how that pig keeps skinny. Hes a funny guy, though.

Now this is Jake posing for the camera, bein the dork that he is, and flicking off the camera. I'm sure you know what
that means.

This is jake actually working, in his english and our civics, they opened up the wall between the classes.
He's also eating his shirt that he was just sitting on. This isn't so disturbing until you see what happens next with that shirt.

mmmmmm jake ass....mmmmm. Naw, he wears "axe" cologne and it smells mm' mm' good.

this picture i got alot of shit for. this is in the locker room, just to show you our gayass gym uniforms. *puke*
in the guys locker room, they piss in the lockers through the holes. i think thats the most disgusting thing i've ever heard.
lucky us.
Alright, these last pictures are of the "badges" we made while we were bored in science. Stephanie wore them on a crepe paper tie i made her and I wore em on my sleeves. We had doubles of all 6. Yup, we're that obsessed. reallllll creepy.

this is us trying to get laid on the right..i mean i mean...nevermind. paone's idea. Kiss me, I know a scottsman (spelled wrong, haha, she wrote it)
and on the left is "wish i was checkin' my j-mail" which was also hers.

yup, this is retarded.
Left: Last night I got 3 j-mails..from our competition to get the most mail.
Scotland or bust is on the right. thats cuz we're going to fly down and scare the hell out of you during
one marnin' hangover.

left: Kiss me...i'm a young american lassie stalker/mannapper.. personal favorite
right: I *heart* the scots.

we know they all have your initials on them, stephanie's idea, it looks like the "kkk"...unfortunate coincidence. Anyhow, thats them. I'm not in any pictures cuz im a wuss and wont let anybody touch my palm pilot with camera and all, i'm fucked up that way. We're still waiting on fraser to get back with our picture where paone and i are leaning on you in busch gardens. muahaha then the fun will begin. i can see stephanie just wallpapering her room with your face.. j/k. peace out.