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A tribute to Mandy

Mandy Facts

What can I say about Mandy Diane Holder? She was such a loving dog, sometimes I didn't even think of her as a dog. She was always there for you, and she always gave you love no matter what. She was once attacked by a huge dog, and it nearly killed her, but she made it because she knew how much she was loved. The attack puntured a lung and broke many of her ribs, but she still made it. When she was in the hospital (after her surgery), my Mom, Dad, Brother, and I all went to see her, and even to put some pictures up in her cage. She had so many staples in her, you wouldn't believe it. But when we walked towards her cage, that little girl knew it was us, and she stood up and started wagging her tail and looking so happy. It still brings tears to our eyes to this day. When we finally brought her home, she couldn't do much, but she still wagged her tail and gave us love every time we got home, or sometimes even walked into the room where she was. She eventually healed, but she was always tender in her rib-cage area. She was such a little trooper to have made it through that (and another attack before that, but it wasn't as bad as the one I talked about). I remember all the games we used to play with her, and she was so frisky. But her age was starting to slow her down. Eventually, all she could see were shadows, and she could just barely hear. Well, I guess her old age finally caught up with her, because on July 21, she had a stroke, and it was bad. We thought, "Oh, she'll make it," but she didn't. She also ended up with a bladder infection. She stayed overnight in a hospital so doctors could watch her, and then the next day, it was decided that we were going to have to put her to sleep. So, we checked her out of the hospital and brought her home and spent a few hours with her, but it hardly feels like enough. Whenever we think about it, it hardly seems like it happened, but we know it did, and reality still has yet to sink in. We know that she's watching over us, and she'll be in our hearts forever. You never met such an incredible dog. She outlasted four of our neighbor's dogs. When we think of all time we spent with her over the past 18 years, it feels like we hardly spent any time at all, because it went so fast. This dog has played an amazing, extremely important role in my life, and I will definately never forget her, and we will never stop loving her. We love you Mandy! Love, Everyone. Here are some poems I wrote, but first a poem that we got with her ashes: In Loving Memory of Mandy. Do not stand by my grave and weep. I am not there. I do not sleep. I am a thousand winds that blow; I am the diamond glints on the snow. I am the sunlight on the ripened grain; I am the gentle autumn's rain. When you awaken in the morning's hush, I am the swift uplifting rush of quiet birds in circled flight. I am the soft star that shines at night. Do not stand by my grave and cry. I am not there. I did not die. By anonymous. I Still Live On. Although it seems like I am gone, I am not, I still live on. Although you cannot feel me breathe, Do not worry, I did not leave. Although you cannot see my stare, Do not fret, I am still there. Although when you call I do not come, Do not dread, My life is not done. Although you cannot hear me bark, Do not sulk, My life has not gone dark. Although it seems like I am gone, I am not, I still live on. By Katie Holder I Can Still See You. I can still see you walking and looking confused, I can still see you, looking up with loving eyes, I can still see you playing mad-dog, looking so amused, I can still see you, and it makes me cry. I can still hear your paws clicking on the floor, I can still hear you, crunching on your food, I can still hear you going through the doggie door, And I can still Hear you in a happy mood. I can still feel you lying in my arms, I can still feel you looking up at me, I can still feel your body soft and warm, And I can still feel the love that you gave to me. By Katie Holder I Wish You Were Here. I wish you were here, If only for a day, I wish you were here Just so I could watch you play. I wish you were here, If only for an hour, I wish you were here So life wouldn't seem so sour. I wish you were here, Or just given one more year, I wish you were here, So that you could dry my tears. By Katie Holder There are the poems. We love you Mandy!!

One other tribute to her:
