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Board: Next-Gen Gaming | Topic: 8698373 - Will there ever be a better racer than Burnout 2 (Xbox version)? | Moderation ID: 1473872
From: Macolio Strikes Back | Posted: 6/25/2003 9:54:09 PM
Moderated at: 6/26/2003 1:52:22 AM | Reason: Trolling | Action: Warned (Top)
Wonderful, wonderful game. I'm glad that while innovation and funstuff is a dead thing in the land of Japan, the other territories, much like Rocky, stepped up to the plate and focused their never-dying determination on creating the most amazing games ever. And I for one would like to kneel and worship our European overlords at Criterion!

Let's doesn't have the best graphics (although they're still great, a huge improvement over Burnout 1), but that's because Criterion instead of focusing on nothing but graphics focused instead on designing the best gameplay ever. I challenge anyone here to name me a single racer with better controls. You can't, and if you think you can, you're talking out of ignorance or lying to yourself and us in order to push some loyalty agenda. In Burnout 2, you are ONE with the car. You are ONE with the left analog stick. The experience is almost sexual. It truly is the Halo of racing.

Then you have custom soundtrack. As you know, music is a huge part of the racing experience, much like it is a huge part of the actual driving experience. And as you unfortunately know, the Board of Racing Videogames forces developers to give their games horrible soundtracks. There's no escaping it: even Sony, at the head of a freaking music label, had to follow the Board's rules and give GT3 a soundtrack inversely proportional to its graphics. Criterion realized that and gave the game custom soundtrack as a detour around the curse. They basically tricked the Evil Board, much like the way The Q said Square tricked Sony in GB/Mibu's sig.

If you don't have this and were planning to buy any other game this month, don't. It's your job...nay, your DUTY as a gamer to reward Acclaim and Criterion with your money, god knows they deserve it in this age of bad videogames. (buy it ESPECIALLY if you're a GC-only owner because from the looks of things this will be the best GC racer until the system's death, since apparently Acclaim is dropping all support and that means no Burnout 3)

This post is about the Xbox version of Burnout 2, I can't speak for the inferior GC/PS2 version but I'm positive they're still the best racing games on those consoles as well.

My CD-RW is done burning, I'm off to enrich my Custom Soundtrack so that my Burnout 2 experience will be even mo' better.

Macolio ejecting.

Your message was found to be violating the following section of the TOS:
Trolling (Inciting Flames)
Posts intended solely to annoy and/or offend other posters by going against the clear nature of a board or topic are not allowed. This includes, but is not limited to:
  • Provoking other users to respond with flames
  • Provoking fans of a particular system or game, especially on boards dedicated to that system or game
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  • Asking obviously useless questions
  • Posting false information as fact

This message was deleted with a Warning and a loss of 10 Karma. It is considered a major moderation or severe or repeated TOS violations.

You have sent the following comments:

I understand that I shouldn't be saying a suspension-deserving post didn't break the TOS, but I *really* don't see how it did. I may have made the comment that the GC and PS2 versions are inferior but that's an obvious fact proved by the reviews and common sense, and if saying a version of "this version of a game is inferior while still great" is trolling, then your definition of trolling must change randomly, because I see far worse things posted every day without being deleted. Normally I know I've gone too far (I've been suspended 3 times in one week, for tame posts compared to some of the other things you see daily on the next-gen board), but this is an exception, and I would greatly appreciate it if you took the time to specifically show me which part of the post was so TOS-breaking as to deserve a suspension.

The moderator responded with the following:
You have a history.

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