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Die Young...
Tuesday, 4 January 2005
Mood:  loud
Now Playing: Hot Hot Heat - Bandages
just thought that i would update a bit if anyone knows how to put a bg on this...can u help me =) thankx

and those of you who have a myspace...add me

those of you who should make on and then add me...if you need help with colors and things

my screen name is xxtoxicillusionx and my e-mail address is

Posted by creep/lostlove42069 at 9:37 PM EST
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Saturday, 23 October 2004
Mood:  not sure
Now Playing: tool - eulogy
im bored so i decided up update...if you want my updated daily journal...comment and i will give it to you...or just find me on myspace =)

Posted by creep/lostlove42069 at 2:31 PM EDT
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Saturday, 9 October 2004
Weekly Update
Mood:  caffeinated
Now Playing: Strata - The Panic
I am just here for my weekly update...things have been nothing but shit...but if you ever just want a full everyday it is fun my fellow friends... i also have another one that will be updated everyday as well...

have fun reading about my worthless bull...


Posted by creep/lostlove42069 at 5:10 PM EDT
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Sunday, 26 September 2004
Mood:  hug me
Now Playing: Jack Off Jill - Angels Fuck
I am bored and I haven't written in here for a while so I am going to update by saying blah...bye bye

Posted by creep/lostlove42069 at 7:31 PM EDT
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Tuesday, 7 September 2004
*Today fucking sucks*
Mood:  irritated
Now Playing: Simple Plan - Don't Wanna Think About You
I just thought that I would update, since I haven't in a fucking sucks i can tell you that much..well whatever, i am going to go, before i get even more pissed off, i still have like 4 more journals to update and put surveys in...

later days

Posted by creep/lostlove42069 at 7:52 PM EDT
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Friday, 3 September 2004
*mall day sucked*
Mood:  hungry


Created by VampXES and taken 40 times on bzoink!

zodiac sign
hair color
eye color
sibilings.... if so names
peircings, tattoos, both.... where
glasses/ contacts/ neither
sexual preference
boyfriend/ girlfriend
your petname for them
their age
their petname for you
how long have you two been together
who is your best friend
male celeb.
female celeb
type of music
boys name
girls name
tv show
night club
either or neither
mom or dad
coke or pepsi
tv movies
cheerleaders or football players
cat or dog
lace or satin
satan or god
goth or punk
light or dark
rain or shine
drugs or alcohol
fancy sports car or cheap little beater car
popular or anti~social
sex or abstinance
on sex ( if you are a virgin skip)
romantic or casual
hard and rough or soft and passionant
where was your first time and how old were you
who was it with and how old were they
giving oral or recieving
handcuffs or not
do you enjoy bitting/scratching
being kinky
just stupid junk
if you could go anywhere in the world where would it be
whats your favorite artical of clothing
favorite store
what grade are you in
do you play an insturment
have you ever been in love
what subculture would you say you belong to
to and how do you think you represent it

Create a Survey | Search Surveys | Go to bzoink!

Posted by creep/lostlove42069 at 10:26 PM EDT
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Saturday, 28 August 2004
Mood:  hug me
Now Playing: Unloco - Nothing

Antiprep12321's Untitled

Created by Antiprep12321 and taken 6 times on bzoink!

The Goth Culture...
Do you have a miserable life?
Do you have alot of social Problems?
Do you have alot of emotiontal Problems
Are you a Loner?
Do you smoke alot?
If so, .... do you know you gonna die!??!
Do you cut?
Do you think the shed of blood eases your soul?
(If so,) do you use neosporin after you cut? :-D
Have you ever watched "Kung-Pow!(enter the fist?)
(If so, what is the magic word?)
Do you feel that your too emotional for you own good?
Do you have more enemies than friends?
Do you think that black makes you hide better since your white? moo.
Your Life
What do you when you wake up?
Do you take a crap as soon as you wake up?
What do you do on the weekends?
How often do you have sex?
What do you think you will be when you grow up?
Do you find sex or other things the only way to cope with your life?
Are most of the things negative?
Do you Believe in god?
How do you think your life will be in the next 20 years?
Where are you going to live?
Will you be rich?
Are you gonna be a Visionary to others in the future
Over all, how would you rate you life on a scale of 1-10?

Create a Survey | Search Surveys | Go to bzoink!

Posted by creep/lostlove42069 at 7:05 PM EDT
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Friday, 27 August 2004

this is not a father plays cards with this girls mother...please keep an eye out...this is not a joke

Posted by creep/lostlove42069 at 11:46 PM EDT
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Saturday, 21 August 2004
*Long Days Waiting*
Mood:  don't ask
Now Playing: The noise the floor makes when you walk on it
Bah! I am waiting for my mommie to call me back again so I know when my ride is coming to get me. My mom said that she was leaving tonight, but I think that she might end up leaving tomorrow. I need to go to the store so I have something to eat when I go to my mom's house. I didn't eat like all day today, yet anyway...Yeah..well I need food, like badly...anyway, i am going to go and dust my room so my dad doesnt have a fit and then I am going to come back and update the rest of my journals before I leave for hell

Later days!

Posted by creep/lostlove42069 at 4:17 PM EDT
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Thursday, 19 August 2004
Sweet Home Pennsylvania
Mood:  happy
Now Playing: My dad's Boobie Brothers CD
To be honest, I don't even know why I bother with so many journals...i mean who actually reads the shit that i write in here, you know? lol...yeah well i just thought that i would update...i see that angelfire has changed quiet a bit since the last time i posted in

i have been at my moms for weeks at a time...and yeah...i am going back Saturday afternoon yeah...

Britney's cell phone is being just called me on her mommies cell phone and told me that, lol...well yeah i am going to go so bye byez...

Posted by creep/lostlove42069 at 11:25 PM EDT
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