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Unicodes for cuss words

Heres a list of cuss words and the unicoding for the cuss words below them. To use one of the cuss words, simply copy the boxes under the cuss word you want to use, and paste them in the chat box. I cant believe some of these words are even considered inappropriate language, its fucking stupid. And what the hell does Cholo mean? lol, I always see people getting kicked out for it but I have no idea what it means.

Note: If you need to add an additional letter(s) to a word, copy the word as usal, then after pasting it to the chat box, add the additional letters to the word, you shouldnt be kicked off. Except with some, example: asshole, thats why I added the hole to it, if you just want to use the word ass, copy just the first three boxes of asshole. Same goes for fagget, if you just want fag, copy the first three boxes. Hopefuly you get the idea.

fuck shit bitch asshole dick bong piss lsd
prick bastard slut pussy horny reefer cunt cock
penis sex orgy joder nipple fucking fucked biatch
cholo whore tits faggot goy biotch cyber
http://www. (With this code you can paste any site you need to on the main chat screen, without being kicked for advertising, and people that cant see messages with urls will be able to see it. To use it copy all of the spaces below, then add the url of the site you need to paste, just leave out the http://www. part of it.
PLEASE dont use this for spamming urls to other chat rooms and stuff.)

If there is a cuss word you do not see here that you need the coding for, a coding that isnt correct, or just a comment or question then e-mail me Turpis and I might help you, depending on my mood. :p