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Entering Darkness....
Thursday, 3 June 2004
When I heard the first single off of the new album (The Reason, the song was Out of Control) I thought "Awesome, they kept their style, but still managed to morph at bit" That was until I heard the song The Reason. I like it and all, but I'm not big on the whole "Let's do a ballad" thing. Who wants slow songs? Why do you think I don't listen to country? Slow stuff is depressing. I'm not quiet sure why, but it does seem like we as humans do like to embrace our darker side and, yes, music is one of the best ways to do that. I'll deffinitly admit that... But I'm really sick of the slow stuff in general right now.

Posted by creep/lightfomrtheshadows at 12:02 PM CDT
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Hillary Duff
Let's all face it, Lizzy McGuire was a cool show at one point, now it seems pretty stupid. Even so, her voice is so fake it's not even funny. If it wasn't, she would have went with the music career FIRST. What I'm saying is Hillary Duff sucks, end of story.

Posted by creep/lightfomrtheshadows at 11:56 AM CDT
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3 Dates Later
Never heard of them? Let me guess, you either live in Choctaw or don't go to PCN... OR you don't have any idea who Shaune Palen is. Or maybe you do but you never talk to her? Well... that would explain it. They're an awesome band from the North side of Oklahoma City. They're touring this summer, I don't know with who though. I don't know they're concert dates, but there's a link to they're website on my links, be sure to check it out. They have tight lyrics and (last time I checked) number nine on a countdown (A Fire Inside's Girl's Not Grey was number four if that gives you some idea). Anyway, be sure to download the mp3 for Apologies. And if your wondering from the mention of Shaune's name up there, no she didn't ask me to write this. I may be friends with her, but if I didn't like them I just wouldn't say anything. But long story short, 3 Dates Later is a really awesome local band that is likely to make it big really soon.

Posted by creep/lightfomrtheshadows at 11:53 AM CDT
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Tuesday, 1 June 2004
The Darkness
Sure, the lead singer is pretty much flamingly gay... or at least acts it. I don't get it though... Maybe he's bisexual or something. A gay person would NOT sing a song called "Get Your Hands Off of my Woman". Either way, I don't know if it's because they're a bunch of Queen wannabes or the awesome guitar solos... but this band has found it's way into my music collection and to become one of my favorite bands.

Posted by creep/lightfomrtheshadows at 9:18 PM CDT
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White Stripes
If you've got an issue with them... deal with it. The White Stripes are awesome. They don't need a bass player. They just don't. Ever heard of the word unique? Either way... I love 'em. Too bad for you if you don't.

Posted by creep/lightfomrtheshadows at 7:19 PM CDT
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Monday, 31 May 2004
Lindsay Lohan
When did it become such a big thing for teen stars to become popular singers to? I"m completely against it. I don't like Hillary Duff... and as far as I'm concerned her and Lindsay are in the same category. Stick with the acting career, hun.

Posted by creep/lightfomrtheshadows at 5:31 PM CDT
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I have one thing to say... they should have just stayed as 50 Cent's back up band. They suck by themself. End of story.

Posted by creep/lightfomrtheshadows at 5:29 PM CDT
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Three Days Grace
When Three Days Grace came out I remember only me, Michelle, and Liz knowing the name of the bad.. but everyone knowing they're song "(I Hate) Everything About You". The only thing was basically everyone thought it was talking about drugs and his girlfiend. On the contrary, lead singer and guitarist Adam Gonteir was singing about his abusive father. Once I bought and listened to they're self-titled CD I figured they would be a one-hit-wonder. Lucky for the band (completed by Brad Walst on bass and the drummer Neil Sanderson). If you haven't heard their newest single "Just like You" go to to see the "(I Hate) Everything About You" video and he "Just Like You" video.

Posted by creep/lightfomrtheshadows at 4:46 PM CDT
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Avril Lavinge
Okay let's all face it. Avril was a thing for a while... now we've all realized she's a poser... right? Well, if that's true why the fucking hell is her video on MTV on countdowns... in the top 100 on several sites and every other place that it may be I don't know about or didn't meantion? What the fuck is up with you people? If we're all against her... why are you going out and buying her damn CD after it's been out a grand total of five days?

Posted by creep/lightfomrtheshadows at 12:56 AM CDT
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bLiNk 182
I have to say one thing for Bink... they changed alot. Some people think that's a good thing. I don't. I miss they're old lyrics about guys fucking they're sisters, aliens, or whatever the hell else they felt like writing a song about. Nowadays... all they ever sing about it love... NAD ABSOLUTELY NOTHING ELSE. Yes, I have heard of getting older. But this is just sad. Life isn't just about love. Get over it already.

Posted by creep/lightfomrtheshadows at 12:51 AM CDT
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