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Hack Hotmail Accounts!

Step 1.
First of all you must already have a Hotmail account.  If you dont then go to and get one.

Step 2.
Log into your Hotmail account, then create a new message.

Step 3.
In the Subject type
In the Body of the message place the following code as it appears below making all the necessary changes.

<44FF-Server_018::Pass+?><Victim's hotmail address omitting ''>
*Your* hotmail address omitting ''>
*Your* Password for *your* hotmail address>

Include all the above <>'s and only make changes to the things in black italic.
You must use YOUR password to change it, otherwise it won't work (see below). It will only change the password if your hotmail address and the password given in the message tally.

Step 4.
Now send the above to (There is an [ _ ] underscore between the server and 023. Dont forgot it, otherwise you will get a bounced message.)

Step 5.
You're finished! It should take ±20 mins for the server to respond. It only works if your Hotmail account and password tally, if they don't then automatically forwards the full message to If they realise what's going on they'll probably delete your account immediately. So don't make *any* mistakes! There you have it! You've hacked into Hotmail, and cracked someone's password! Now you can login to their account!


: : This process is almost guaranteed to work. A friend of mine found out about this process by way of a family member who works for Hotmail so it is quite reliable. There has only been 1 incident that it didn't work for us and that was because the victim had some sort of protection installed on all of their passwords. This method is used by many other email services as well when they what's to check up on their subscribers. : :

Finally, please read the Legal Disclamer:

DISCLAMER: I do NOT take any responsability for the content of this page. If you read this page with it's methods of fetching hotmail or yahoo passwords you have agreed to take your own responsability for any actions you may make.




