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What is Webmastering?

A Webmaster is a person who creates your web site.  They might just set up the site for you and hand over the programming code (called HTML) to you if you wish to maintain the site from that point on.  More commonly they will maintain your sight for you.  By maintain, we mean they keep watch over the site for you along with making updates as you request. You usually pay this person by the hour to maintain your site once the initial set up is completed.  

If you only have one page, it is usually referred to as a homepage. Your entrance page is also referred to as a homepage or index page.  If you have more than one page, it is referred to as a web site.

Where Do I Start?

1. Secure a Web Host - also called an ISP (Internet Service Provider), a web server or web space provider.  A host, (provider) stores your files and displays them to the public.  The Host owns the space, you are essentially renting it from them.  You are allowed a certain amount of file storage space, usually calculated in megabytes, or mgs.  Here is a list of FREE web space providers.  If you are setting up a NON-COMMERCIAL (no money transactions or sale of any product or service involved) you may use a free site.  One should note that most free sites DO HAVE BANNERS that display adds.

Virtual Avenue

Click on the link, and follow their instructions.  You will be asked to create a username and password.  The web host (or "server") provides storage space for your files.  When you or your webmaster  send your files to your web server, that is called uploading, because they are being sent up from your computer to the server's storage area.  Your host will have a web address for you.  When people type in this address, (also called URL), the files are then transferred (or "downloaded") from the server's storage area and transmitted to the viewer's browser screen.  An example of a URL is

Many of the FREE hosts now also provide services that you may PAY FOR and then conduct commercial activities.  We have included just a few of the MANY, MANY, MANY hosts available.  The reason that MOON AND BACK does NOT secure your host for you is that 1) it is your money  2) we want this decision to be yours.  Once you have your domain name and host we take over!

(our host)
List of Web Hosts

2. Choose your Domain Name.  If you want your own private domain (registered web name) such as '', you will need to purchase the name from a Registrar. You can look at this as if you were purchasing a personalized license plate for your car. Your domain name becomes your web address (URL).  We registered the name "" - so that is our web address.  If you plan to sell a product or service, it is wise to include the name of your product or service in the domain name.  That way, if someone is searching for your particular product/service, your domain name will be found more easily.  To use your own domain as your web address, you will need to rent storage space from a Web Host.  Here are some places where you may purchase your own domain name web hosting services.

Network Solutions

You do NOT have to buy a private domain name in order to have a personal web page.  Free hosting companies will let you choose a name, but their name will also be in the web address. Example: The name you choose is referred to as your username and you will create your own personal password so that nobody else can access your files.  Each time you go to your files, you will be asked to log in by typing your username and password.

Now That You Have it All Together

1. Contact Moon and Back Graphics to discuss the project you have in mind. At this point we will have several questions to ask you regarding your future web site, the design involved, color choices, page layouts, etc.
2. When the project has been thoroughly discussed, we will provide you with an estimate of the total cost.  You will then send us a deposit for at least 50% of the estimated fee.  When your payment has been received, and personal checks, if any, have cleared the bank, we will begin creating your web page(s).  You may pay through  PAYPAL if choosing to pay by credit card.

(we have set this up in a dark font for you so you may print it out if you wish)

İMoon and Back Graphics 2002
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