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Anschutz's Webpage

Mel- Hey I never really got to know you as well as I have in the last 6 months. It's been great and you're a very special person who I never want to lose. If you ever need to talk you know how to get ahold of me.LYLAS

Dustin- Hey Cutie! I never knew you until this year. Im so glad that I gave you a chance. You are sooo sweet. Thank you so very much for everything. You will always have a place in my heart. Love always.

Kiwi E-Hey sis! I know that this year hasn't been the best for any of us but hey we've gotten thru A LOT worse and I know that we can get thru anything now.LYLAS

KayZ-Hey your like a sister to me. Oh my girl do you ever keep me on my toes. I never know what to expect from you. All of the times we've spent together so far have been great there can only be more to come so lets not change that.

Linz-Hey your like my lil sis. I like your bother and I pitty you for having to put up with them. Shooting this year was awsome. If you ever need to talk you know how to get ahold of me. LYLAS

To All Of the GUYS: WHY must you be a pain in the a$$? If you don't want to be in a relationship then don't flirt!!!! Guys you suck!!

Britt&Mandi- Hey your awesome!! It's funny how we think alike sometimes. Remember all of our times at Crudberry. I'm here for ya. LYLAS

My Favorite things to do.

  • Shooting on the Rifle Team-6yrs
  • Softball-9yrs
  • Hanging out with friends
  • Be outdoors
  • Being on the computer
  • Going places with friends

Other links to my site

Julie's other
