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Channel : #Scriptures
Posted on : Feb 29 2004 20:47:50
by user : dasupafly
Current status : Pending
Description : This Channel is marketed towards True Believers. It gives them a chace to witness to there brothers and sisters in christ, without fear of insult, slander, or trolls.
You have already posted an objection for that channel
Current Objections

Posted by : Katerina
On : Mar 03 2004 20:23:05
Comment :
I strongly object to this channel because the purpose is to harass and degrade people in #scripture. As a regular on #scripture I have seen this person lie, post logs, degrade and stalk many there.
cservice has disconnected him many times as well as #wiccan for felony stalking.

Posted by : dreamer1
On : Mar 04 2004 16:35:11
Comment :
who can say who is a true believer or not? this user is responsible for half the insults, slander and trolling in #scripture, the only reason he can make such claims is because he bans everyone he doesn't like, whatever their beliefs. I have no problem with this user owning a channel, I just don't think it should be a channel that can describe itself as catering for any kind of believers, and frankly I find the claim of it being for "true believers" slander in itself based on the sizeable banlist the channel has accrued (I add the banlist is pre-emptive also)

Posted by : Servant
On : Mar 05 2004 12:12:06
Comment :
This person should never have a channel and here is why:

<zeropoint> anyone want to see a pic of the whore of Babylon?
<Jackl> are you going to show us Katerina's pic?

dasupafly/Jackl only wants to lock people out so they can't defend themselves. He made logs of girls calling them a stripper and an addict and showed them in channel. He should NEVER have a channel.

Posted by : sweetjune
On : Mar 06 2004 13:04:55
Comment :
While I've never personally had any problems with this person, I have seen quite a few of his abuses.

This person is a dangerous sexual predator and should not be given a forum for his abusive actions. In the time I've been in the channel he frequents, #scripture, I have seen him try to lure a 16 year old girl to his home; drive another young girl to being suicidal with his constant attacks, phone calls to her family and place of employment; as well as try to solicit personal information from every woman in the channel.

Personal opinions aside, this person is dangerous and if allowed to run their own channel, it's inevitable that a tragedy will occur.

Posted by : heather
On : Mar 06 2004 16:02:09
Comment :
This channel should NOT be registered to this "userid!"
I have submitted a "detailed" COMPLAINT-Regarding Channel Applications for this #scriptures. This COMPLAINT can be found with the following ticket number:
ticket-number: 9913-C64F1FFF8C
Please make sure to also consider that COMPLAINT for NEW REGISTERED CHANNEL.
If you need additional info, I have been the Channel Manager for #Biblechat for quite some time. I'll be glad to supply additional info, should you need it.
Signed: ^^heather, Chan Mgr - #Biblechat

Posted by : IndigoMan
On : Mar 06 2004 21:21:40
Comment :
I've seen this user harass others in #scripture many times and have been harassed by him myself also. His idea of a true believer is anybody who will suck up to him. I strenuously object to him having his own channel.

6 total objections for #Scriptures.