My character does not and will not ever belong to a guild/forum that uses dice. From experience it takes away from the storyline. The storyline becomes interative battle instead of storyline progression.

Maturity isn't always a must, everyone needs a little laughter in their lives regardless of how great or small. However, constant silliness is beyond an overkill for me, unless your character is extremely intoxicated and even then it can get old.

All play doesn't have to be entirely realistic. We've already made it clear that your character is a vampire/wolf/demon -ess, basically whatever you wanted it to be. In most cases - hate to burst your bubble, but these characters are completely fictional. So why change the theme? I'm pretty much open to anything that is not entirely realistic aside from those who like to just make things appear on demand. To me that expresses laziness to play out a scene and becomes annoying. If you have one of those magical characters that can make things appear on demand- please,please, please..I can not express this enough! Please ignore my character because I will ignore yours for above said reason.

Speaking of laziness. I know everyone is not an english major and then there's the factor of typo demons; but people- you know who you are, please spell out your words. Instead of typing- u r, for just four more letters you can have- you are. It also takes more thought to cut corners, so why waste precious thought in trying to be lazily creative?

I lack creativity at times, just like everyone else; please be kind

Those are my rules, they're pretty simple and rather common. I know there are some that just love to argue, so instead of arguing; if you disagree just ignore me. I'm not one to fuel a long winded word battle, so quit while you're ahead.