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The Caitiff


History: Some kindred do not have a clan at all, but are of bastard blood. This situation sometimes happens because they were abandoned by their sire, or were Embraced by an outcast vampire. A combination of thinness of blood and lack of social training has made them Clanless. This is a fairly recent phenomenon, and thus they are disdained by many of the other Kindred. Through many Caitiff are considered to be pariahs or Anarchs, not all of them are outcasts. Some are accepted among the Damned, although few have yet reached an age where they have achieved any real power. Indeed, it seems as though the greatest explosion of the Clanless has incurred in the last 50 years.


Disciplines: Speak with a Storyteller.


Advantages: The Caitiff belong to no clan, which means they’re more likely to be accepted in places others are not. After all, what danger is a caitiff, right?


Disadvantages: The Caitiff, having no training in their abilities as well as deal with the thinness of their blood, must deal with the world in a much different manner than those belonging to clans. Because of this, they cannot learn any Discipline beyond the first level.


Bloodlines: No comment.