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Welcome to your Doom : hauntingobsessionsdotcom

Welcome to your Doom Isnt Destiny Delightfull?? Welcome to hauntingobsessionsdotcom. You will spend the apointed time in pain and suffering if your not into any genre of rock music. WARNING:you are about to into an alternate demension of fandom kile has controll of the vertical the horizantle your vision kile has control of whats real and what hurts in HAUNTINGOBSESSIONSDOTCOM mwhahahahahahaha *cough*few will survive: DISCLAIMER: i do not own any of the people featured in this site i do however own the ideas and thoughts posted this is my first site so basicly i have no idea what the hell im doing i am kile disfunctional idiot hear me roar....*yawn* THOUGHTFULL ADVISERY: kile is known to be sarcastic explosive and completely impredictable and lacking in laugtistic spelling. oh and watch your step on the way down if you dont sign my deathbook mwhahahahaha *cough* ______________________________________________________ Ever want to date a certain blue eyed hottie?? lock lips with that certain rockstar well you cant but this is pretty close without being literatly bounced out of the concert hall by bouncers. please enjoy the pictures posted the "dates" you can embark on the other lustfull obsessers that belong in asylums as well and well all the other shit on here have a nice day!!!
those who remain without your brains melting kudos now if you didnt sign my tombstone get the hell out of my site and get yourself a reservation in the insane asylum like i need to do mwhahaha

check theese guys out

bored? youll be in heaven!
amazing artist!
if your an anime me fan youll love me for the rest of your life
