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The mean Ebayer ripped me off

Sometimes you live and learn.
I shouldn't have dealt with consoleaccessories4U, judging by the user's past feedback--like this gem ...

Complaint : 1 month and product hasn't shipped. Constant lies and refuses to refund. AVOID Response by consoleaccessories4u - You are the liar. USPS delivery confirmation: 01805213907208724580
Follow-up by ephamilton - Confirmation # above shows ship date of 8-11. I paid you 7-10. I'm the liar?

I guess the customer is always wrong. And how about this little nugget of joy ...

geoff_diamond( 9 ) Jul-31-03 21:52:41 PDT 3037611668 S Complaint : Incredibly rude, I made mistake during purchase and they were unrelenting. F---
Response by consoleaccessories4u - You do NOT bid on mine, then buy someone elses, and then stiff me. Deadbeat.

WOW. Those are some harsh words from consoleaccessories. And don't let the Christmas colors fool you, the transaction will be anything but merry. It just seems like that last guy made a mistake. I guess that qualifies him as a "deadbeat." I don't know, where I come from a "deadbeat" is someone who spends child support money on Schlitz Malt Liquor, not someone who probably clicked in the wrong place during their bid for a video game accessory. Does consoleaccessories4U treat all customers like this? Yes. Little did I know, that there would soon be a misunderstanding in MY order, and it would turn into the trial of the century. Sure, consoleaccessories4U has lots of positive feedback, but check out the

94 Negatives and 90 Neutrals (!)


Check out the fun I had. I was treated like the antichrist, and I think we all had a good laugh later. Or not.

Here's the fun stuff ...