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Gwendolyn's Imagination

Hello all! This is my new web site! (I'm using all html code on my own!!! Scary thought, isn't it?) Well, I am creating this as a place for me to save some of my stories and let everyone read them! But be warned... do NOT take my work, for it is all MINE! I also wanted this site because I once built with Homestead, and had a rather intricate site, and I must admit I miss it. Anyway, if you have any questions or coments, feel free to email me Here!

Also, visit My Page by Clicking here.


My Origional Story

The Begining of the story:

Even through the rain the sirens sounded, echoing loudly throughout the base. Mud covered everyone, from the Generals to the Pages, turning everything brown and making it very difficult to distinguish between people in charge.

The bombs hit loudly, destroying everything in their way. The attack was completely unexpected, killing many from the start. They were nowhere near prepared for something as horrible as this.

“Everyone underground!” Sergeant Matthews called to the soldiers. “Now!”,

General Mark Lawson led the way to the underground bunkers as calmly as he could muster. Never in his life time had he imagined an attack like this. The base was small, and in neutral territory so this was never supposed to happen. Other than him, no one of any real importance was even present, making this attack appear to be some sort of mistake.

He could hear the noise outside; buildings exploding and gunfire were the most prominent. The men were disobeying orders by continuing to fight and Mark could only shake his head and wonder what kept them going. They were surely mad for being woken up in the middle of the night.

“General, the basterds are breaking down the gates.” Matthews called, his voice wavering in the slightest. He was beginning to become afraid. “There are so many of them!”

“Attack from the towers. We will not let them take us!” The General answered, taking his seat in the underground office. He shuffled through the papers, clearing his desk, and unfolding a rather large map of the entire base. Quickly he marked off the places that had already been destroyed.

He didn’t understand how he never saw this coming.

“Mark Lawson, how nice of you to run and hide.”

He glanced over to the radio, the little red light flashing wildly. The voice was familiar.

“Aren’t you going to talk to me, Mark?” The voice said again.

Slowly he picked up his radio, somewhat afraid to answer.

“You are a genius, Lawson, why have you not guessed what this is about? Are you losing your touch?”

“What do you want?” Mark replied, his hands trembling slightly with anger.

The voice laughed. “You know exactly what I want.”

Mark racked his brain, not sure what anyone could possibly want from him other than money. “Listen, you aren’t going to get a pay-off for this. You’re wasting your time.”

“Oh, you really always did think everything was about your money. You know, others value different things.” The voice suddenly became crystal clear. “I want your daughter, Mark. I know she is the key.”

Mark suddenly became furious. Of course! It all made since. “No way will you ever get your hands on her!”

“You won’t be around to protect her, Mark.”

To be continued...

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