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---:: it's a cascet for my attempt at fanfiction :: you better go away ::---

Tsuzuki's watch

A hand shot out to catch sliding down the shelf books, stopping their descent. Long, slim fingers tracing their backs thoughtfully, searching. Sleeve slipped slightly, revealing fine boned forearm and a watch holding to it loosely with black, battered straps.
The watch doesn't suit this young man, it creates a strong contrast with his still boyish form and androgynous features making it look out of place, making it stand out and catch attention.
'Look, I'm important' it seems to say.
Maybe a treasured souvenir holding memories of a family member or of other man precious to the present owner's heart?
Movement traps sunrays for a splinter of second and sends them glaring in your direction.

/"Tsuzuki you should've taken it off"
"It's ok, Hisoka" Tsuzuki's interpretation of a reassuring smile spread on his lips, meaning that the owner of said lips grinned wildly. "It's waterproof!"
"Nothing can be that much waterproof. You killed it"
Tsuzuki made a brake in his enthusiastic dishwashing process to eye his wristwatch and indeed the clockwork stopped as Hisoka predicted. Dark-haired man shifted his weight a bit and chuckled nervously, his feet making splashing sounds on wet kitchen floor. Then his eyes met somber green and silence fell.
"You'll have to let it go someday" the words were spoken softly, barely audible and so was the answer to them
"I know… but…" pained whisper hung heavily in the air.
"I'll bring you a towel" Hisoka informed quietly after another awkward moment/

The dial attracts your attention again shining with silver arms.
It must be that. A souvenir. Why else would someone wear a watch that isn't working?
Meanwhile young man picked up one book and moved to another shelf. You follow him with your eyes, there's not much else to do here anyway. Little to no traffic at this hours sooner or later always leads you to picking up a magazine or a book, you can just as well speculate about this fellow instead, for entertainment value.

/"Truth or dare?"* asked Tsuzuki from his spot on Hisoka's couch when his partner passed him by on his way through the small room. Photos and papers were scattered all over the place. Settled amidst the mess on small table laptop flashed with fantastically colorful saltwater fishes of screensaver.
The day was tiring and they both agreed that change of scenery might help them in saving remaining bits of sanity. Well, Hisoka wasn't sure Tsuzuki had any left to loose but he valued highly his own thus didn't want to spend the rest of the day among victims of latest Watari's 'experiment gone wrong' (which young shinigami noted, not without venom, all happened to take place right after Tatsumi's refusals to rise scientific funds). That's how they ended up at Hisoka's.
The blond was lost in thought pacing from one gruesome photo to another, which he earlier displayed on the floor. When Tsuzuki spoke up, startled "Huh?" was all he managed to respond.
"Truth or dare, Hisoka"
"You want to play a game?!" he asked incredulously.
"Oh come on, we sit over this for hours. Lets take a brake"
"Lets not" events of the day wore his patience thin and he was _not_ willing to participate in some stupid game.
An unsettling shadow brushed over his emphatic barriers killing snide replay in his throat. Hisoka let his gaze lower to where lay folder Tsuzuki was going through, photo of massacred body on top. For a while he turned in his mind thoughts of other files they've been working at this evening.
"Truth" the word fell of his tongue sharper than he intended. Anyway just because he was giving in to Tsuzuki's silly wish didn't mean he would actually _do_ something stupid like the things his partner could try to make him do upon choosing a dare. He ignored high watt smile his partner sprouted suddenly.
"Hmmm… let me think…"
nothing excessive was spoken to this, Hisoka settled for eye roll. "I'll go get tea and you make some room on the couch". 'And that would be the end of work for today' thought young shinigami.
Gathering documents onto great pile in one of room's corners Tsuzuki could see his young partner being busy with tea. After accomplishing his task older man sat heavily on the couch helplessly looking for something else to do. Unconscious fingers played with straps of his watch while he focused his attention on a small fish, one of those still swimming on laptop's screen. He wondered idly how many injuries would cost him buying Hisoka such fish: bright orange and white with a mean frown on it's face*; a lot injuries surely. Of course first he would have to find out what kind of fish it is, and it didn't seem like something cheep… he'd have to reconsider if it's worth all the bother…
Yellow light cast by single bulb spilled from kitchen doorway and framed Hisoka with golden bright. He looked like an angel; some sort of ethereal being with outrageous fashion sense - obviously, orange shirt was in it's place*.
Amethyst eyes shone with amusement when his angel glared at the mug which moved dangerously close to the edge of the tray he was holding. 'Yes, fish it would be' he murmured to himself.

*I have no idea if Tsuzuki even realize such a game exists (he's a mystery to me really, like he doesn't know English but his 'sankyou' is pretty famous *shrug*) since I believe it's a purely American thing and pain in the neck in fanfics so why the hell is it here? Kill me if I know but I couldn't get rid of it and it made it's way into my pseudo plot -.-;
* the fish on my mind is a fire fish goby ( yes, I'm lame and do useless researches on fishes) and since I know nothing about fishes I have to assume that Tsuzuki, even with his well known fondness for animals, doesn't know technical stuff about them either. Sorry Tsuzuki.
* because fanfics did it for me and I have to work real hard to picture him in something _else_. That, and it seems strangely fitting in this familiar and comforting kind of way *is not making much sense*