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NOT EXACTLY NEWS...Hello. Hi. Nice to see you again. Just mentioning that I am alive but living in a foxhole in the middle of Antarctica, since it is the only place in the world safe from censorship (apparently Howard Stern has now taken Satan's place as the evil doer in America), imperialism (Iraq, its in so much better shape now that we've taken over! sigh....) and jackasses (The president, the secretary of defense, the attorny general, etc...). Sitting in the snow, waiting for my balls to freeze off, and then watching penguins eat them is actually more preferable than being associated with the United States of America. Umm yeah...maybe something was updated can check but I'm not promising anything. Alright, maybe I'll go wrestle a polar bear....

OLD OLD OLD BRAND NEW NEWS....Many centuries have past....the world slowly turns....The president's I.Q. gradually gets lower day by day....Instead of debating about world peace our leaders still cannot get over the fact that Janet Jackson is a woman and (HOLY SHIT!) SHE HAS A BOOB!....

and oh yeah one more thing....IM BACK BITCHES!

OLD OLD OLD OLD OLD OLD NEWS....My goodness....its site has been attacked for being hate filled and shit... ;-) This site is how I let out my anger...a website is better than a bashed in skull.....YIKES

If you want to email me and tell me some random thoughts of hate, you have some certain hate you just need me to post on my website, or you just want to tell me how much you hate me at

The Weekly Updated......well more like monthly...more like yearly, centuraly, milleniumly, whatever Who I Hate and Wish Would Never Have Been Born to Plague the Earth

Why Rancho Sucks.....The Explanation You've All Been Waiting For...

Random Things I Hate (Updated constantly)

Umm I updated this... Weekly picture that will infuse you with overall "ugh"