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A Good-Bye Page

A Poem I Never Wanted to Write Lost in emotions; I don’t know what to do, Everything I look at and think about has to deal with you. I don’t want to do this to you, It just makes me look like a fool. You say you’re in love, And as much as it hurts me, I’ll always remember your hugs. I’m sorry for all the pain I’ve brought, But I’ve been accused of a crime of having feelings and got caught. Don’t worry I will end all this now and move on, I wish I could end all my pain with a touch of a wand. Fall in love again? I might, But this is a poem I never wanted to write.

I never wanted to say goodbye, but I thought that it was the best thing for you

A Sad Good-Bye 

I will try my best not to cry.
I wanted to start our love again,
But now I knew it's the end.
If you ever should happen to ask for me,
You'll find I'm gone and I've been set free.
I'll be hiding from the reality and a face
I'll hope I'd always see.
If you looked behind my laughing face,
You'll find a broken heart.
A heart that only wants chance to make a brand new start
So now I must say good-bye,
To a love that was great.
We had the best of times but now, it's too late    

Promises broken
Life they say, is full of twists and turns Every day there is a new lesson to be learned The heart is fragile, without care it breaks And carries the scars of all your past mistakes You can drown in the sorrows of your broken dreams A smile on the outside, while inside your heart screams Crying out with anger, with pain and dispair Hoping against hope you'll learn not to care Promises broken, so many tears shed You need to move on but cant shake these thoughts from your head Taking each day as if there was no tomorrow Trying to cope with all the pain and the sorrow The feat of holding on, or of even letting go Finding a way to hide, not letting the emotions show The lies lying open like a wound that wont heal As you struggle not to think or even to feel Broken down, used, forgotten and discarded Left out in the cold, tearful and broken hearted Promises made and also believed Wondering how you could ever have been so easily deceived All the joy and the laughter, all the love and the lust Are now just replaced with fear and mistrust Doubting every word that was uttered or spoken In the end all that's left, is a love that's been broken



moment in time 

We've changed and our feelings have changed too, what we once had slipped away from us. We didn't see it coming,it just did. We were so caught up in our own worlds, we didn't think about each other, we were caught up in the moment not thinking about future outcomes, we were infactuated with each other, we had a fire that sizzled quickly and when it finally burned, so did our love, and we went on our way. Now that years have passed, I reminisce, and I want to thank you for all the good moments that we did share. For all the passion that made the fire burn between us,for the friendship we shared even though it was just a moment in time. Most of all I want to thank you for sharing a part of my life that I will always remember

This page is dedicated to funny face baby you know who you are :) Never make promise or say things you can't keep.. and remember sometimes things arnt what they seem
