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Gay Pride parades are very different from other parades. First, there is almost always nudity. Many lesbians at least strip to the waist, and prance or dance down the street to declare their ‘pride.’ Similarly, many gays walk or ride naked, and not a few engage in sex-acts, either real or simulated, on floats or in cars or even while they are walking. One such parade in San Francisco that we attended featured a float of masturbating, taunting gays along the whole route. At another Gay Pride parade in Washington, D.C., simulated sex acts were performed for the benefit of anyone watching out the windows of the Clinton White House. With Garish costumes (or lack thereof) are the order of the day. Conventional society is mocked and insulted at every turn. Some gays dress as Jesus and carry a cross, other lesbians pretend to be Mary and do their best to offend those who look up to her. And public sex is either practiced, simulated, or alluded to at every opportunity. Vile language and gestures are served up. A Gay Pride parade is open, defiant,rebellion against conventional norms and mores. Everything ‘sacred’ is mocked and reviled. And the whole crowd revels in the joy of making a public mockery of straight society. But their time is soon coming.



Gay Pride parades are very different from other parades. First, there is almost always nudity. Many lesbians at least strip to the waist, and prance or dance down the street to declare their ‘pride.’ Similarly, many gays walk or ride naked, and not a few engage in sex-acts, either real or simulated, on floats or in cars or even while they are walking. One such parade in San Francisco that we attended featured a float of masturbating, taunting gays along the whole route. At another Gay Pride parade in Washington, D.C., simulated sex acts were performed for the benefit of anyone watching out the windows of the Clinton White House. With Garish costumes (or lack thereof) are the order of the day. Conventional society is mocked and insulted at every turn. Some gays dress as Jesus and carry a cross, other lesbians pretend to be Mary and do their best to offend those who look up to her. And public sex is either practiced, simulated, or alluded to at every opportunity. Vile language and gestures are served up. A Gay Pride parade is open, defiant,rebellion against conventional norms and mores. Everything ‘sacred’ is mocked and reviled. And the whole crowd revels in the joy of making a public mockery of straight society. But their time is soon coming.
Gay Pride parades are very different from other parades. First, there is almost always nudity. Many lesbians at least strip to the waist, and prance or dance down the street to declare their ‘pride.’ Similarly, many gays walk or ride naked, and not a few engage in sex-acts, either real or simulated, on floats or in cars or even while they are walking. One such parade in San Francisco that we attended featured a float of masturbating, taunting gays along the whole route. At another Gay Pride parade in Washington, D.C., simulated sex acts were performed for the benefit of anyone watching out the windows of the Clinton White House. With Garish costumes (or lack thereof) are the order of the day. Conventional society is mocked and insulted at every turn. Some gays dress as Jesus and carry a cross, other lesbians pretend to be Mary and do their best to offend those who look up to her. And public sex is either practiced, simulated, or alluded to at every opportunity. Vile language and gestures are served up. A Gay Pride parade is open, defiant,rebellion against conventional norms and mores. Everything ‘sacred’ is mocked and reviled. And the whole crowd revels in the joy of making a public mockery of straight society. But their time is soon coming.
Gay Pride parades are very different from other parades. First, there is almost always nudity. Many lesbians at least strip to the waist, and prance or dance down the street to declare their ‘pride.’ Similarly, many gays walk or ride naked, and not a few engage in sex-acts, either real or simulated, on floats or in cars or even while they are walking. One such parade in San Francisco that we attended featured a float of masturbating, taunting gays along the whole route. At another Gay Pride parade in Washington, D.C., simulated sex acts were performed for the benefit of anyone watching out the windows of the Clinton White House. With Garish costumes (or lack thereof) are the order of the day. Conventional society is mocked and insulted at every turn. Some gays dress as Jesus and carry a cross, other lesbians pretend to be Mary and do their best to offend those who look up to her. And public sex is either practiced, simulated, or alluded to at every opportunity. Vile language and gestures are served up. A Gay Pride parade is open, defiant,rebellion against conventional norms and mores. Everything ‘sacred’ is mocked and reviled. And the whole crowd revels in the joy of making a public mockery of straight society. But their time is soon coming.
Gay Pride parades are very different from other parades. First, there is almost always nudity. Many lesbians at least strip to the waist, and prance or dance down the street to declare their ‘pride.’ Similarly, many gays walk or ride naked, and not a few engage in sex-acts, either real or simulated, on floats or in cars or even while they are walking. One such parade in San Francisco that we attended featured a float of masturbating, taunting gays along the whole route. At another Gay Pride parade in Washington, D.C., simulated sex acts were performed for the benefit of anyone watching out the windows of the Clinton White House. With Garish costumes (or lack thereof) are the order of the day. Conventional society is mocked and insulted at every turn. Some gays dress as Jesus and carry a cross, other lesbians pretend to be Mary and do their best to offend those who look up to her. And public sex is either practiced, simulated, or alluded to at every opportunity.Vile language and gestures are served up. A Gay Pride parade is open, defiant,rebellion against conventional norms and mores. Everything ‘sacred’ is mocked and reviled. And the whole crowd revels in the joy of making a public mockery of straight society. But their time is soon coming.
Gay Pride parades are very different from other parades. First, there is almost always nudity. Many lesbians at least strip to the waist, and prance or dance down the street to declare their ‘pride.’ Similarly, many gays walk or ride naked, and not a few engage in sex-acts, either real or simulated, on floats or in cars or even while they are walking. One such parade in San Francisco that we attended featured a float of masturbating, taunting gays along the whole route. At another Gay Pride parade in Washington, D.C., simulated sex acts were performed for the benefit of anyone watching out the windows of the Clinton White House. With Garish costumes (or lack thereof) are the order of the day. Conventional society is mocked and insulted at every turn. Some gays dress as Jesus and carry a cross, other lesbians pretend to be Mary and do their best to offend those who look up to her. And public sex is either practiced, simulated, or alluded to at every opportunity. Vile language and gestures are served up. A Gay Pride parade is open, defiant,rebellion against conventional norms and mores. Everything ‘sacred’ is mocked and reviled. And the whole crowd revels in the joy of making a public mockery of straight society. But their time is soon coming.
Gay Pride parades are very different from other parades. First, there is almost always nudity. Many lesbians at least strip to the waist, and prance or dance down the street to declare their ‘pride.’ Similarly, many gays walk or ride naked, and not a few engage in sex-acts, either real or simulated, on floats or in cars or even while they are walking. One such parade in San Francisco that we attended featured a float of masturbating, taunting gays along the whole route. At another Gay Pride parade in Washington, D.C., simulated sex acts were performed for the benefit of anyone watching out the windows of the Clinton White House. With Garish costumes (or lack thereof) are the order of the day. Conventional society is mocked and insulted at every turn. Some gays dress as Jesus and carry a cross, other lesbians pretend to be Mary and do their best to offend those who look up to her. And public sex is either practiced, simulated, or alluded to at every opportunity. Vile language and gestures are served up. A Gay Pride parade is open, defiant,rebellion against conventional norms and mores. Everything ‘sacred’ is mocked and reviled. And the whole crowd revels in the joy of making a public mockery of straight society. But their time is soon coming.