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Personal stats

1  Myself
Last talked: 8.9.2001 2:59
Status: Operator
Lines: 13
Days active: 2/2
Average lines per day: 6.5
Average letters per line: 10.8
Opped people 1 times
Has kicked out 3 people
Number of descriptions: 3
Topics set: 1
Question ratio: 15%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Last 2 days
Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24
Recent activity
7.9.2001 19:35*** Myself kicks Rick_work from #mIRCStats-demo (really?)
19:35*** Myself kicks Rick_work from #mIRCStats-demo (Myself)
19:35<Myself> banned that dude
19:36<Myself> naah
19:38<Myself> he left the channel
19:38<Myself> ok
8.9.2001 2:59<Myself> I'm leaving, too
2:59<Myself> Cheers
2 Rick_work
Last talked: 8.9.2001 1:48
Visits: 3
Status: Operator
Lines: 12
Days active: 1/2
Average lines per day: 12
Average letters per line: 12.3
Opped people 1 times
Received a kicking 3 times
Number of descriptions: 1
Topics set: 1
Question ratio: 17%
Exclamation ratio: 25%
Alter-ego nicks used: 2
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Last 2 days
Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24
Recent activity
7.9.2001 19:35*** Rick_work was kicked by Myself (Myself)
19:36*** Rick_work has joined #mIRCStats-demo
19:36<Rick_work> hello again!
19:36<Rick_work> enough kicking for a day?
19:37*** Rick_work has left #mIRCStats-demo (going to another channel)
19:38*** Rick_work has joined #mIRCStats-demo
19:38<Rick_work> back now
8.9.2001 1:48* Rick_work gotta go
1:59*** Rick_work has quit IRC (shutting down the computer now...)

Big Numbers

Rick_work popped in and out all the time, joining #mIRCStats-demo 3 times during this reporting period...
Myself liked talking about themself - 3 descriptions altogether.
 [19:31] * Myself thinks that should do it :P
Myself kicked a total of 3 people from #mIRCStats-demo, more than anyone else.
 [19:35] <Rick_work> raaaah! :D
[19:35] *** Rick_work was kicked by Myself (Myself)
The sore butt award goes to Rick_work for being kicked out 3 times.
 [19:35] <Rick_work> raaaah! :D
[19:35] *** Rick_work was kicked by Myself (Myself)

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mIRCStats v1.21 © Mikko "Ave" Auvinen