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Epperson Gallery

My ambition for art started at a young age and continued to grow as I got older. Now that I'm in college and working full time it's hard to find the time to paint. I've recently moved into my own apatment and will be setting up a studio in one of the upstairs rooms, in which, I am planning on spending a lot of my time. After a period of doing no more that quick sketches, I have finally found some time to dedicate to my art.

On this website, you will find my online portfolio. I do have more than what's here, it's just all too big to scan. Soon, though, I will have my larger pieces as well.

I consider myself an illustrator and have done work for a few small time companies. I've recently decided to get more serious about my art and am trying to get a few freelance things going. If you are interested in hiring me for some freelance work, please get a hold of me at the e-mail address located at the bottom of this page.

Jeremiah C. Epperson

Landscapes Fantasy Abstract Other