In the beginning of the chapter it talks about the main four operating systems they are Windows 2000 Professional, Windows 2000 Server, Windows 2000 Advanced Server, and Windows 2000 Server. It describes some of the features of the Windows 2000 family and what their functions are in each of them. The chapter gets more descriptive about Windows 2000 Server the advantages it has to network in small and medium corporations or organizations. Some of the advantages are that it supports new devices; it has easy manageability, and reliability. It gives details about the various layers of the operating system which the main name is Windows 2000 Layered Architecture. It explains what each layer includes with the functions it performs. It gives the hardware requirements and the instructions of how to install Windows 2000 Server. This is a very good way to understand the installation because it provides the instructions step by step all the way thru the process. At the end of the chapter it talks a little more about the Active Directory and the two types of structures it provides.

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