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Name Change Forms

Note: Each state has a different procedure to follow. These instructions are only for North Dakota. I'm sure that other states are similar, so this might give you an idea of how to change your name elsewhere.
Contrary to popular opinion, you DO NOT need a lawyer to help you with this. You will save a lot of money. With the extra money you can throw a party to celebrate! Or, be responsible and save it!

1. Fill out the Petition for Name Change form, replacing the bold text with your info.

2. Bring the Petition for Name Change form, along with the Century Code (PDF file), to a courthouse. Go to the District Clerk of Court (the person who screens you should be able to direct you there) and give them the Petition for Name Change form. If they tell you that you have to print your name in the paper, show them the Century Code because it says that if you are not changing your last name you DO NOT have to publish it in the paper. If you ARE changing your last name…then, I can’t really help you out because I didn’t change my last name (sorry!)

3. They will ask you for $80 and in exchange they will give you a piece of paper that tells you your case number.

4. I made the mistake of thinking they would send me something in the mail telling me that my name change had gone through. They didn’t. So, after about three to four weeks, go back to the courthouse and ask them about your case (bring your case number, or just the whole paper they gave you)

5. They will check on the status of your case and they should tell you that your name change went through (if they say it is still processing, then repeat step 4 after waiting some more).

6. They will ask you if you want a certified copy. Yes, you do. It will cost you $10. DO NOT lose it or give it to someone because then you will have to get another one for $10 again. What I did was put it in a plastic report cover so it wouldn't get bent or get something spilled on it. After all, that's an expensive piece of paper!

7. Bring your letter with you when you are trying to get your social security, driver’s license, bank account, etc. changed.

8. The first thing I did was get my driver’s license changed. I tried to be sneaky and change my sex (they let you check your own box), but then they told me I couldn’t because I didn’t have a surgery letter. So, I just got my name changed and it cost $3 for a replacement license.

9. Then I went to the social security office (which is in the post office building downtown, if you live in Fargo). You have to go through some check points again and the guards will tell you what floor to go to. Then you just fill out a form, show your letter, and wait about a week. They will mail a new one to you.

10. Then the rest is a piece of cake because if you have your name change letter, new driver’s license, and new social security card, it is a lot easier to change everything else. To change credit cards, and other things that you will have to use mail for (like bills), just send a photocopy of your name change letter and your new driver’s license to them and tell them that your name changed.

11. Good luck!


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