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Cracking Toolz

Alias Checker
Description: Let's you view the alias's on the acct u just cracked... nice...

Alias Stealer
Description: Load the ids u cracked over night into this prog and it shows u what the id looks like and if it has any profile ids..

All-Star Checker
Check a list of ids for weather or not they're all-stars or not...

Bo0ty Profiler
Description: Look at the profile of the id u just cracked wit this profiler... :- Made by Bo0ty -:

Description: Let's you make name lists to scan... check it out to see what im talking about...

Description: Check's to see if id u just cracked is deactivated or not....

Info Spy
Description: Not quite sure what this does.. check it out though :)....

Narcotic List Mod
Description: Let's you modify a list you just made to scan/crack....

Profile Tweaker
Description: Tweak the profile of the id u just cracked/or info'd

Star Check
Another nice all-star checker...


Bo0ty 0wnage
Description: Cracked version of Proxy Matrix Reloaded 1...

Description: Exoline Cracker... Check It Out..

Matrix 3
Description: Matrix 3.. has 1 & 2 in the zip aswell not quite sure why that is but check it out .. hella good proxy cracker..

Proxy Matrix Reloaded 1
Description: Proxy Cracker by K-9... Awesome in my opinion


Description: Tight Game...Let's u make ur own car...

Description: Try and get as many points as u can by throwing this dude down stairs :-D


Anarchy Toolz
Description: Tight ass prog... its a must download...

Code Red
Description: Mass Iggier for YM

ID Bin
Description: Store your ids in the bin

Id Creator
Description: Makes mass ids easier then using etc

Toxic Toolz
Description: Weird prog... check it out for urself

Vampire Spam
Description: Mass Spammer, Good for Y! Games..

Yahoo Status
Description: Not quite sure what this is used for lol..

Yahoo Blue Stat.
Description: Change ur YM Stat. to blue..

Missing Files

Bo0ty's Top 9 Missing Files
Description: Bo0ty's top 9 missing files... helpful download...

Description: Missing File usually needed for Platnum Id Crackit v.2..

Description: Common missing file..

PW Changers

THC Changer
Description: Working PW Changer... very nice to have unless you like going to


Crackit NameScan 2.1
Description: Infamous Crackit NameScan... scan lists uve made to crack...

Platnum Id Crackit v2
Description: List scanner... havent used it but heard its nice..

Proxi Grabber 3
Nice prog.... helps u get some proxies....

Description: Nice ass proxy scanner... another must have

Symbol Scanner 3.0 Cracked
Description: Nice symbol scanner has a few options to choose from..

Note: All Downloadz Have Been Scanned And Are Clean.... If you find some downloadz to submit pls send them to my e-mail for now... thanks
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