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wAnNa GeTtA kNøW mE?

----> ALSØ !¡!¡!¡¨cH€cK °uT tH£§£ {_iñKs

CoMpAnIoN....(must check this out)
¿UgHh...WuT iZ dEr 2 SaY? iTz a wickeeeeeed
LiStEn 2 dA l8tEz TrAcKs
WaTcH dA l8tEz ViDz
GoTtA lUv ThIs ClOtHiNg LiNe

Hey every1! Hope my homepage isn's gonna b 2 boring for you guys...but who cares...i wasnt meant for u anyways...:P hahaha...nah i was just really bored one night and decided i'd make something...i guess this was it *thinks*...well there's lots of stuff on here so i sure you have nothing else to do anyways so take a look and lemme know wut you think...(im pretty sure i get a guestbook on here) hmmm...



This is a live broadcast from Hot 97. Com
<bgsound src="">



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