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Welcome To The Dark Phoenix Clan Temporary Web§ite!

Welcome to the temporary site of the Dark Phoenix Clan. I am still working on the main site for the Dark Phoenix Clan. All the News, Rankings, and rules will be displayed on this temporary site. You should check out the site once in a while for new news and other things~!

If you wish to join the clan, e-mail to or We will respond as soon and possible to see when we are available to let you try out for the clan. If you have any questions about the clan or anything you wish to ask us, please just send it to the e-mail.

Members of the clan, will be banned if you backstab clan members or if you do not listen to the higher ranking clan members.

Enemies of the Dark Phoenix Clan: the-yellow.dart and chuckyroo If you ever encounter them in a game, just leave the game you are in.

The Leaders of the Dark Phoenix Clan are xXAznXx[Dp] and xXDevilXx[Dp]. You shall respect them all the time.

1-8 The Ranks / 9-14 The Rules

  • 1) Recruits: These are the new members to the clan. Their jobs are to be active in the channel and become familiar with other clan members. To be promoted to Guard you must have 10 wins and play someone with a rank of Dark Phoenix Warrior and do well. (You do NOT have to win the match)
  • 2) Guard: This rank is for those who have past Recruit and showed dedication to the clan. The jobs of the people of this rank are to help all recruits if they have any questions and to keep dedication, they should game on regular basis with other members. To be promoted to Warrior, you must have 20 wins and 1 ladder win.
  • 3) Warrior: This Rank will be the majority of the clan. Your responsibilities are to recruit, and to keep up your dedication. To move to the rank of champions you must have 30 wins and 3 ladder wins.
  • 4) Champions: This Rank is for those who are extremely dedicated. The responsibilities of this rank are to recruit people, help all members with problems or questions that they have, and keep gaming. They are included in all clan meeting's and are supposed to keep up communication with other clans. They are more involved members than gamers. To move to the rank War Lord, you must have 50 wins and 10 ladder wins.
  • 5) War Lord: This rank is for those of you who value gaming over dedication. They're goal is to get better and game more they will represent the clan and are expected to play a lot. They are some of the most feared and respected members in the clan but will not have much imput as Champions. To move to Dark Phoenix Warrior you must beat one in 1v1 game and have over 70 wins.
  • 6) Dark Phoenix Warrior: This rank is for those who are truly elite. They are by far the best in clan and represent the clan in all tourneys and they are expected to have a higher ladder ranking. They are expected to show up to most tourneys. They are to be respected (because they can obviosly kick your a§§ in a game)
  • 7) Co-Leader:
  • 8) Leader: Unattainable by wins, a leader is chosen when one retires or become inactive. The old one chooses a new leader. If a leader leaves for no reason then the other leader will pick his replacement. The goal is to lead the clan to becomr the best on!
  • 9) No Backstabbing members or allies. If leader or co-leader catch 1 of you backstabbing you might lose your rank.
  • 10) Obey and respect Leader, Co-Leader, and who have rank higher then you.
  • 11) No Giving Access. If leader or co-leader catches you then you may lose access to a bot.
  • 12) No Spaming in the clan channel or allies’ channel. If leader or co-leader catch you then your bot will be banned for 1 day.
  • 13) When we have meeting do not Inturup or shout when person is talking.
  • 14) No fighting in channel

Other Good Links For Starcraft

1) Maphack, stackhack, etc.
2) Official Website for Blizzard Games