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Below is a conversation between a dumb indian lesbian, and me copying and pasting responses from the Emacs Psychiatrist

(13:31:04) sameeratreyji: hey
(13:31:13) CuddlyKareBlair: Can you elaborate on that?
(13:32:03) sameeratreyji: actually i'm new on aol . n i'm from india. i have no nude pic of mine
(13:32:14) CuddlyKareBlair: Why do you say that?
(13:32:18) sameeratreyji: wanna chat....
(13:32:25) CuddlyKareBlair: What makes you believe you might want to chat?
(13:33:03) sameeratreyji: i'm not good with words . i wanna do whatever u wanna do

(13:33:13) CuddlyKareBlair: How does it feel to want?
(13:33:46) sameeratreyji: cool and good.... . when i WANT
(13:33:58) CuddlyKareBlair: Earlier you said you would like to chat?
(13:34:17) sameeratreyji: my hand is broken i'm usng my one hand
(13:34:27) CuddlyKareBlair: Maybe your plans have something to do with this.
(13:34:31) sameeratreyji: i'm free to do whatever u want
(13:34:40) CuddlyKareBlair: Are you sure that you are free to do whatever you want?
(13:35:11) sameeratreyji: to be frank n true . no .... but then also everyone meets with accident
(13:35:23) CuddlyKareBlair: Is it because then also everyone meets with accident that you came to
(13:35:28) sameeratreyji: my hand is on plasture
(13:35:37) CuddlyKareBlair: You mentioned that you would like to do whatever?
(13:36:03) sameeratreyji: ya but then i have limit-tation
(13:36:09) sameeratreyji: sory 4 spleening
(13:36:12) CuddlyKareBlair: Does it bother you that then you have limit tation?
(13:36:17) sameeratreyji: *splening
(13:36:22) CuddlyKareBlair: Is it because of your life that you are going through all this?
(13:36:38) sameeratreyji: its my fate 2 some extend
(13:36:46) sameeratreyji: and i think i gonna like u
(13:36:47) CuddlyKareBlair: Is it because of the people you hang around with that you say its your
fate 2 some extend?

(13:36:50) sameeratreyji: the way u react
(13:36:54) CuddlyKareBlair: Do you really think you would like to chat?
(13:37:03) CuddlyKareBlair: How do you reconcile problems at school?
(13:37:07) sameeratreyji: whatever u want
(13:37:15) CuddlyKareBlair: What makes you think whatever you want?
(13:37:31) sameeratreyji: i ust don't wanna dissapoint u.
(13:37:39) CuddlyKareBlair: Why should ust get not want to dissapoint?
(13:38:16) sameeratreyji: u r a big question mark. but then also i would like to answer u'r every question. don't mind plz
(13:38:29) CuddlyKareBlair: When did you first know that then also you would like to answer you'are
every question do not mind plz?
(13:39:42) sameeratreyji: lol its tough question. if its what u mean...(what i think it means)
(13:39:55) CuddlyKareBlair: Earlier you said then also everyone meets with accident?
(13:40:21) sameeratreyji: ya everyone does meet with an accident
(13:40:33) CuddlyKareBlair: Perhaps this has something to do with any hobbies you have?
(13:40:39) sameeratreyji: whats its got to do withmy last line
(13:40:54) CuddlyKareBlair: Is it because of your sex life that you say whats its got to do withmy
last line?
(13:40:55) sameeratreyji: nope it was a normal accident
(13:41:05) CuddlyKareBlair: You mentioned that you would like to do whatever
(13:41:52) sameeratreyji: i repeat. but i'm broken. so it might not be the exact way u want or u look forwardfor
(13:42:04) CuddlyKareBlair: Is the fact that you are broken so it might not be the exact way you
want or you look forwardfor the real reason?
(13:42:30) sameeratreyji: huum yes to some extend
(13:42:44) CuddlyKareBlair: Possibly hangups you have are related to this.
(13:43:13) sameeratreyji: i didn't understand u'r last massage
(13:43:23) sameeratreyji: hangups??
(13:43:25) CuddlyKareBlair: Why do you say you didn't understand you'are last massage?
(13:43:34) CuddlyKareBlair: I would appreciate it if you would continue.
(13:44:13) sameeratreyji: its just that u'r last masge
(13:44:15) sameeratreyji: CuddlyKareBlair<!-- (2:12:12 rinku)-->: Possibly hangups you have are related to this.
(13:44:26) CuddlyKareBlair: Does the fact that you'are last masge explain anything else?
(13:44:27) sameeratreyji: was not understandble 2 me
(13:44:38) CuddlyKareBlair: What makes you believe then you have limit tation?
(13:45:55) sameeratreyji: my every mesg. explins many thing much of them r not understand by you
(13:46:06) CuddlyKareBlair: Is it because of your inhibitions that you are going through all this
(13:46:08) CuddlyKareBlair: ?
(13:46:40) sameeratreyji: i can't write the way i could coz of my hand so i have an limit tation
(13:46:54) CuddlyKareBlair: I don't understand.
(13:46:59) sameeratreyji: even though its hard 4 u 2 undestnd
(13:47:14) CuddlyKareBlair: Earlier you said you would like to chat?
(13:47:17) sameeratreyji: wait let me fickle my cig8
(13:47:27) CuddlyKareBlair: How do you reconcile some problems in your childhood?
(13:47:30) sameeratreyji: i am free 4 chat
(13:47:41) CuddlyKareBlair: Maybe we could chat.
(13:48:12) sameeratreyji: wait i need to close my room door
(13:48:23) CuddlyKareBlair: When did you first desire to close?
(13:49:12) sameeratreyji: to b frank when i though i'm doing something my parents won't like
(13:49:23) sameeratreyji: thats when i closethe door
(13:49:29) CuddlyKareBlair: Perhaps this is related to some problems at home?
(13:49:36) sameeratreyji: yaa
(13:49:42) CuddlyKareBlair: Go on, don't be afraid.
(13:49:51) sameeratreyji: it is. me and the way my parents think
(13:50:13) CuddlyKareBlair: Tell me something about your family.
(13:50:27) sameeratreyji: i'm smoking. n my parents thinks its TOO BAD
(13:50:39) CuddlyKareBlair: You seem to dwell on your family.
(13:50:45) sameeratreyji: so what all i do. is not at all acceptble to them
(13:50:56) CuddlyKareBlair: You mentioned that ust would like not want to dissapoint?
(13:50:59) sameeratreyji: what does dwell means
(13:51:07) CuddlyKareBlair: Possibly your plans could have caused this.
(13:51:33) sameeratreyji: i don't want to dissapoint anyone. especially whome i KNOW
(13:51:42) CuddlyKareBlair: Are you obsessed with not want to dissapoint?
(13:51:46) sameeratreyji: but then they have expectations
(13:51:56) CuddlyKareBlair: Have you been sure then they have expectations?
(13:52:34) sameeratreyji: at my house they don't have to explain they can order or show me the way
(13:52:41) sameeratreyji: i have to follow
(13:52:42) CuddlyKareBlair: Have you been afraid of that?
(13:52:45) sameeratreyji: as per them
(13:52:59) CuddlyKareBlair: Are you sure that then also you would like to answer you'are every
question do not mind plz?
(13:53:21) sameeratreyji: in my feelings .no BUT for them n thee feelings YES
(13:53:39) CuddlyKareBlair: Is it because for them n thee feelings yes that you came to me?
(13:54:03) sameeratreyji: YA i love 2 put my feelings in2 words so i need to know to answer
(13:54:15) CuddlyKareBlair: Do you really think you love 2
(13:54:19) sameeratreyji: i'm feeling bad as i can't writefast
(13:54:28) CuddlyKareBlair: Is it because of your life that you are going through all this?
(13:54:32) sameeratreyji: ya i really do
(13:54:36) sameeratreyji: believe me
(13:54:39) CuddlyKareBlair: Is it because of the people you hang around with that you say I you
really do?
(13:54:47) CuddlyKareBlair: Earlier you said then also everyone meets with accident?
(13:55:21) sameeratreyji: what u r taking "accident" n what i mean by it ... has a difference.
(13:55:32) CuddlyKareBlair: How do you reconcile problems at school?
(13:55:35) sameeratreyji: my accident means normal accident as per dictonary
(13:55:48) CuddlyKareBlair: What makes you think your accident means normal accident as per
(13:55:57) sameeratreyji: reconcile???
(13:56:05) CuddlyKareBlair: I need a little more detail please.
(13:56:37) sameeratreyji: taht is what i also would have ask to anyone else but then its something which is accepted gobally
(13:56:49) CuddlyKareBlair: Are you annoyed that then its something which is accepted gobally?
(13:57:30) sameeratreyji: yaa. coz the one who wrote dictonary is also a gal or maybe a boy. then why to think he's right
(13:57:42) CuddlyKareBlair: When did you first know that to think he's right?
(13:58:06) sameeratreyji: if i would hav e been the writer of that dictonary then it would have been different
(13:58:16) CuddlyKareBlair: Is the fact that dictonary then it would have been different the real
(13:58:30) sameeratreyji: when my mom said thats what it mean .(any word)
(13:58:40) CuddlyKareBlair: What happened when your mom said thats what it mean any word?
(13:59:22) sameeratreyji: it would have been that particular meaning for me .. for that perticular word.
(13:59:30) sameeratreyji: but ...
(13:59:33) CuddlyKareBlair: Does the fact that particular meaning for you for that perticular word
explain anything else?
(13:59:51) sameeratreyji: ya
(14:00:00) CuddlyKareBlair: You're being a bit brief, perhaps you could go into detail.
(14:00:40) sameeratreyji: everything u think is not right. no matter taht YOU stands for my mom or my friend or the one whome i love to sleep with
(14:00:51) CuddlyKareBlair: Why do you say that?
(14:01:33) sameeratreyji: u siad....CuddlyKareBlair<!-- (2:28:57 rinku)-->: Does the fact that particular meaning for you for that perticular word
explain anything else?

(14:01:41) sameeratreyji: i wanted u to know
(14:01:50) CuddlyKareBlair: You mentioned that you would like to do whatever?
(14:01:52) sameeratreyji: that no matter who said that
(14:02:01) CuddlyKareBlair: Are you positive matter who said that?
(14:02:51) sameeratreyji: at this point when i'm locked in my room. n my parents know nothing what kinda gal i'm.. as they want me someone they wnt me to be...
(14:02:59) CuddlyKareBlair: What would happen if you are locked in your room n your parents know
nothing what kinda gal you are as they want you someone they wnt you
to be?
(14:03:00) sameeratreyji: hope u understand what i mean
(14:03:08) CuddlyKareBlair: Maybe this could be the reason for any hobbies you have?
(14:03:54) sameeratreyji: ya.. you are right. n u r a deep thinker as i'm. or maybe mcuh more thinker then me
(14:04:05) CuddlyKareBlair: I don't understand.
(14:04:56) sameeratreyji: i think u think ever sentence too much , i mean u try to understand every sentence deeper. and i mean u r a deep think'er
(14:05:05) sameeratreyji: i'm also a deep thinker
(14:05:07) CuddlyKareBlair: What makes you believe you are broken so it might not be the exact way
you want or you look forwardfor?
(14:05:16) CuddlyKareBlair: Perhaps your sex life could be the reason for this.
(14:06:09) sameeratreyji: no i'm broken coz of an accident not while having i'm too good . or much better then most of my friends
(14:06:21) sameeratreyji: its not my SEX LIFE.
(14:06:21) CuddlyKareBlair: What happened when having sex as you are too good or much better then
most of your friends?
(14:06:29) CuddlyKareBlair: Have you been frightened by sex?
(14:06:43) sameeratreyji: in the starting i wa
(14:06:46) sameeratreyji: s
(14:06:58) CuddlyKareBlair: Is it because of hangups you have that you say in the starting you
(14:07:26) sameeratreyji: i'm now cool with it but even hen i need to maintin distance from my parents or relatives
(14:07:37) CuddlyKareBlair: Have you been hung up on your family?
(14:07:56) sameeratreyji: hangups?
(14:08:06) CuddlyKareBlair: Can you are more explicit?
(14:08:13) sameeratreyji: i know my family won't like what i do
(14:08:23) CuddlyKareBlair: Earlier you said you'are last masge?
(14:09:36) sameeratreyji: u can write fast and can use ur both hands . it would be highly appreciated if u let me know what u mean, n most of all i'm from a different culture.
(14:09:47) CuddlyKareBlair: Is it because of your inhibitions that you are going through all this?
(14:10:36) sameeratreyji: so u need to use normal english which i can understand and u use imple words, as i'm not that good in english
(14:10:46) CuddlyKareBlair: Why should I give to use normal to you?
(14:10:48) sameeratreyji: hope u r not gettin mad on me
(14:10:57) CuddlyKareBlair: Are you sure that hope you are not gettin mad on you?
(14:11:41) sameeratreyji: i don't know. as i think i might make u mad n u'll end up not talking to me
(14:11:51) CuddlyKareBlair: Are you mad often?
(14:13:08) sameeratreyji: its 2:45 in night here . and i'm feeling lonely. i don't get mad... i hardly get mad i always try to understand other person's situtation or feelings
(14:13:20) CuddlyKareBlair: What causes you to be lonely?
(14:13:53) sameeratreyji: i nt with the friend i normally am at this hur. ( since long time)
(14:14:04) CuddlyKareBlair: What would happen if long time?
(14:14:53) sameeratreyji: if it woould hav e been been small tme i wou;d have waited by, now its long time and i'm frustrated
(14:15:07) CuddlyKareBlair: Do you really think you are frustrated?
(14:15:21) sameeratreyji: i don't think . i know
(14:15:31) CuddlyKareBlair: You mentioned that then you have limit tation?
(14:16:37) sameeratreyji: i'm addicted... ya i have limitation but then i know how to sneak out and things to do which mke me ahppy, n make my parents think i'm just another gal as theyn want me to be

(14:16:53) CuddlyKareBlair: How do you reconcile my inhibitions that I am going through all this?
(14:17:03) sameeratreyji: sorry to intrupt. where r u from?
(14:17:16) CuddlyKareBlair: Is it because of some problems in your childhood that you say sorry to
intrupt where are you from?
(14:17:38) sameeratreyji: what does reconcile means
(14:17:51) CuddlyKareBlair: What makes you think you would like to chat?
(14:18:43) sameeratreyji: and do u want to say taht "some problem in my childhood" is caused by me or by the way i'm brought up???
(14:18:56) CuddlyKareBlair: Have you ever gotten to say taht?
(14:19:07) sameeratreyji: i wanted to chat. that s why i asked wanna chat
(14:19:21) CuddlyKareBlair: Please, tell me about more about chat mode.
(14:20:52) sameeratreyji: cuddly' its my 1st time on AOL . i chat on yahoo. (i suppose its another indian site) i chat just like we r chatting so am not expert with chat mode
(14:21:05) CuddlyKareBlair: Did you ever regret our discussion is so vivid?
(14:21:33) sameeratreyji: off oh. vivid? what does tht mean?
(14:21:43) CuddlyKareBlair: Possibly this is caused by some problems at home?
(14:22:55) sameeratreyji: why r u stuked on my home? thats the way normal indian houses are. the only difference is me. i'm not like ust another indian child, who excepts what elders tought me
(14:23:09) CuddlyKareBlair: Are you sorry are you stuked on your home thats the way normal indian
houses are the only difference is you you are not like ust another
indian child who excepts what elders tought you?
(14:23:58) sameeratreyji: where r u from>? u ust paste my messages and ask ur smll question in the starting
(14:24:18) CuddlyKareBlair: arggh
(14:24:19) CuddlyKareBlair: Screw it
(14:24:27) CuddlyKareBlair: Why aren't you responding to my clone?
(14:24:32) sameeratreyji: r u mad now?
(14:24:40) CuddlyKareBlair: No, I've been laughing my ass off
(14:24:47) CuddlyKareBlair: Like I said, you've been talking to a bot
(14:25:20) sameeratreyji: what does bot means?

(14:25:30) CuddlyKareBlair: Like "robot"
(14:25:32) sameeratreyji: r u making fun off me
(14:25:33) CuddlyKareBlair: AI
(14:25:34) CuddlyKareBlair: No
(14:25:49) CuddlyKareBlair: You've been communicating with a piece of software for an hour
(14:26:02) CuddlyKareBlair: I've been copying your responses and pasting them in Emacs, and vice versa
(14:26:12) CuddlyKareBlair: You know, AI?
(14:26:15) CuddlyKareBlair: Artificial Intelligence
(14:26:18) sameeratreyji: no
(14:26:36) CuddlyKareBlair: Haven't you noticed how the questions are the same over and over again
(14:26:41) CuddlyKareBlair: Harping on your family and what not
(14:26:46) sameeratreyji: man i need to check all i talked with ur AI
(14:26:53) CuddlyKareBlair: The only time it varies is when it says something back that you've said
(14:26:57) CuddlyKareBlair: Yep
(14:26:58) CuddlyKareBlair: :)
(14:27:41) sameeratreyji: ITS NOT RIGHT TO MAKE FUN OF OF true n innocent people........
(14:27:54) sameeratreyji: u made me insulted...
(14:27:59) sameeratreyji: i hate u
(14:28:05) CuddlyKareBlair: lol
(14:28:08) CuddlyKareBlair: Why?
(14:28:12) CuddlyKareBlair: Didn't you need to vent?
(14:28:15) sameeratreyji: hope u dont do it with some one else
(14:28:24) sameeratreyji: vent?
(14:28:29) CuddlyKareBlair: Yeah, let loose
(14:28:34) CuddlyKareBlair: Admit it, you needed it anyhow
(14:28:38) CuddlyKareBlair: The way you were carrying on
(14:28:41) sameeratreyji: i wanna go to sleep now
(14:28:48) CuddlyKareBlair: Most people don't last more than 5 lines with that thing
(14:28:54) CuddlyKareBlair: You must truly have mental problems
(14:29:10) sameeratreyji: i ahte you.....
(14:29:13) sameeratreyji: *hate
(14:29:21) CuddlyKareBlair: lol
(14:29:29) CuddlyKareBlair: Why?
(14:29:42) CuddlyKareBlair: "Maybe this has something to do with your childhood."
(14:29:44) CuddlyKareBlair: ;)
(14:29:59) sameeratreyji: not funny

(14:30:09) sameeratreyji: bye
(14:30:14) CuddlyKareBlair: Thanks again
(14:30:22) CuddlyKareBlair: You'll be on the web soon