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Sacrafice (?)

We whimper and then collapse. Is all this pain worth the one distasteful moment of joyous elation? Would a sane man go to the gut wrenching fires of hell for an eternity of pointless agony and grief so he could ensure one needless nano-second of ecstasy in the heaven which they already know will disappoint and leave a bitter taste. But we just follow and why argue when those morons before have gone and suffered in silence before, so in their sick vengeful dreams they can master us to all directions and know our enveloping fate. Once a loser always a loser until the buck is passed and would you cause another’s equal and diminishing suffering so you can run but not hide from your own which always find you cowering in the end, and return, without leaving the other. It spreads through the horrified nation and all embrace it save some who are labelled unwisely and twisted until the truth brings its shallow head. Then they are the scapegoats. The famished, evil bringers of what is inescapable who are still labelled but destroyed and worshipped as one. They die so that we may live our twisted, unfair and distortionate lives and die sinful and Paganistic none the less. Bile infested we shall, our corpses, all rot in the same retarded field, malignant royalty and sadistic poverty stricken peasants all the same. Why give the sad little you have, forcefully when the only takers are the alienated horrors, the only few who do not deserve, yet why should you receive when you do not wish to take the coarse shit that is on offer. Those rich bastards who have it all stuff their gross frames with more until it has to blow up, backfiring on them and their false loves, whilst those who have so little ask for bollocks all and get less. Christianity asks for equality (communism) “All are equal but some are more equal than others”. Why live in a world where distorted cruelty leads the foul plight of kindness and hopeless care? Is it better than to rule in Hell than to serve in Heaven? Which stupid few care? But there is no doubt in our crenulated, discarded minds, it seems, that it is better to serve in Hell than rule in Heaven. None are smart enough to care or use their own brains to assist or help, but all complain like the parasites they are and expect us to do their mad dirty work. They lead and we follow…they lead and we follow. Why not grasp the lead as you request others to do? You fear, as do we. Why deny when all horrendous time is already passing?