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~ Web Sites ~


Short Notes..
Has to be somthing entertaining about this lil site.

How ever long i will feel for a dream i get continously, yet it has no need for the same. This dream is actually a person, who shows no concern. yet this person is so far the only one i want with me, (this dream person). Maybe as my feeling is confused w/ a different level, somtimes i think no matter who i end up with..i will continue to end up still having this dream. mAHALO,

~Time & Change~
Situatons appear differently, after time and change.

~Even if someone has had a it hard, you would be surprised how beautiful they can turn out to be.~

~*~Love is a friendship set on fire~*~

~*~The paths of knowledge are countless, Life goes on, soul goes on, immortality is inevitable~*~

"Trying to catch your heart, is like trying to catch a star."