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Look! It's Me! Carbon Kid! ====>

Points & Priorities of one Kid, Carbon.

Alright. I'm poor. I don't have a job. I'd love one, you know. I really would. However, calling, leaving messeges, praying for something to do for money isn't very fun, nor healthy, I'm absolutely positive. So, in protest of everything most people try to do so hard to acheive so little in the business world, I've decided to start this.

If I start to receive money, god knows how, I'll gladly expand this tiny particle-man of a site to that of universe-man proportions. We'll see.

Now is the time when we inform as to what this is. I used to have a job as a game reviewer. I didn't get money. Just the games. For free. Not that anyone stupid would stop writing, but I was stupid and stopped writing. I'm not sure as to why. Perhaps it was the packages of free electronic joy I kept getting. Definetly stupid of me to stop. So I'll continue here, hopefully gaining attention and more games to review, continual cycle, etc.

Now, you might mention "But Carbon, there are many sites like that!" Yes. You'd be right. That's why I'm going to make it a point to talk about political issues. I will make my opinion clear and open up my e-mail to hate mail or comments. Perhaps, with growth, expanding, and money, I'll be able to have a forum. Booty-full? Definetly.

That's the plan, kids. Good luck to me, yeah?

PC lovers rejoice!
Playstation 2 fiends find fun fgames fhere
XBox reviews, the plight of distraction.
Political statements, opinions, and rantings, oh my!

Links that love:

Maddox. He's on a mission. With the best page in the universe
You're bored, I'm bored, we're all bored, so here's Bored At
The Culture Jammer's Encyclopedia
Real Life Comics. Not really real, they just say that.
Lovely Brian Clevinger's 8-bit Theater.
The Acts of Gord, Gamer-extreme
