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+When i feel down;Hes there for me + +When i feel chained; He sets me free + + +There is only ONE GOD who sets me free; and he lifts me up...




[+]ROZalyneLopez [+]d1m3/5oul5i5tah/darling --MAGANDANGhoe/seestar/gelz=) [+]malVERN [+]5t33n [+]WARDer [+]fILLapina [+]boifrendLESS;NOT INTERESTED... [+]strictly7AYD3baller=) [+]7ayd3e_bl4z3rs/1morelaydeaZZe [+]CATHOLIC [+]-aFOOLfor God!- [+]proud YFCer: East 3 [+]daugher of a CFCer [+]*jerealds MAGANDANG hoe=) [+]lil_pinay_gurl@hot... [+]nemo?...note up=)


++By My Side

One night I dreamed I was walking .Along the beach with the Lord. Many scenes from my life flashed across the sky. In each scene Inoticed footprints in the sand.Sometimes there were two sets of footprints.Other times there were one set of footprints.This bothered me because I noticed that During the low periods of my life when I was Suffering from anguish, sorrow, or defeat,I could see only one set of footprints,So I said to the Lord, "You promised me,Lord, that if I followed You, You would walk with me always.But I noticed that during the most trying periods Of my life there have only been One set of prints in the sand.Why, When I have needed You most,You have not been there for me?"The Lord replied,"The times when you have seen only one set of footprints Is when I carried you."God, i knoe im not the person you wanted me to be, and lately ive not bin actin the way u wanted me; because of dis paricular guy, and when things have bin tuff i realize that i never realiked loved him, the only person i actually really you. u were the only person that aktually loved me for who i was and didnt care what other people think of me; u will always be my Lord, my God , my FREIND...

++New Generation

I. There’s a new generation That is seeking Your face There’s a new generation That is taking their place Lord we surrender To Your will Let it be done Come this day, have Your way Let Your kingdom Come Refrain: We will rise, We will Run We will exalt the name of Jesus By Your blood we over come We Will Sing, We will dance Come on celebrate the kingdom of our God II. There’s a new generation That is running by faith There’s a new generation That is willing to pray Wind of revival Come and sweep across this land What a change with one move Of Your mighty hand (Refrain) Come on and celebrate the kingdom of our God!



hun; condolences+ after all das bin sed nd dun, remember dat she mite be gone,but she will always b watchin over you her love is NEVERENDING; althought we dunreallyknoe her, she will always be in our hearts and in our minds, hope da bess fer you rae-rae, dun wry nething goes wrong, well b here fer matter wat; thik or thin, *s m i l e; God has a reason fer everything.and God wudnt put u through a situation he kne u kudnt handle juss think of the best, hope fer the best and smile that she is sumwhere that is filled with happiness&smile that she is with God; allher pains have ended...*all my prayers go to rae-raes mother...*

*R.I.P + dec.19.30



++takenNew Years Eve

__NEW MEMORIES have started to be made; happy new year hommies=)

+ * + * + * 6odbles5kiddies