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"14 seconds 2 late"

This is my home. A soft essence of everything that is beautiful in life. At least that is what I had felt about the items in my home. Did you know that I had let you visit me? Did you know that I had let you in through the door? No, I wouldn't have expected you to. I never expected anything from you, I just received the sweetness of you. It is still here in my home. I kept it. Would you have expected me to? I am not sure if you had found my home as pleasant as I have. I would have enjoyed showing you more, but many of the things are easily seen. I would have shown you that other door, but it is too late now. You were knocking at my door and I did not hear it. I would have let you in, but I was too late. You walked away. How foolish I was to engage myself in something that would allow me to not pay attention. I waited to see if you would come back, but you only walked by. With my hand over my eyes I closed the door. Turning around I uncovered my eyes and could see everything that you had given me. They no longer were beautiful, they pulled at me as a reminder. Why did I not pay attention? Why couldn't I have just stayed focused a little longer? We would have continued to progress with one another. Should I hold on and wait to see if you will come back again? I will wait, I will listen for the door to be knocked on again by you.


Hey, where are you. There you are, lying on the ground. How are you doing? Are you surviving? You look a little pale. I wish I could give you something to eat, but I too have to survive. I need it more than you. You are just a dream and I am reality. I keep the river flowing and the fountain pumping. If I could free you from this pain I would embrace you again. Not now though, I may try and plan to free you, but I do not know if it will be soon enough for you to live. I beg you to please breathe for I love you. I want to cry for you, but that would show on the outside. Stop, he is looking. Smile like everything is okay. He is asking about us, tell him we are doing good. He needs more, but I don't have enough for me. He is begging, give it to him before he takes another part of us. I will starve today, but I cannot keep this up. Please hold on to what you have I know you can make it, I know you are strong. Have faith in me and I will remember you. I will free us from this insanity that wants everything that makes us happy. Oh, he is looking again, quick the smile. What is this? Is he giving me something. He his, and it is pleasant to the eyes. Here I will share this with you, for it is so rare that we get something back. Here, have half and I will have the other. Are you having trouble getting up? Here let me help you. I know you have been starving for so long, but you may eat now. Why are you spitting it out? Please eat it, you need this. Please do not turn your head away from this gift. I took a bite of my half and it was bitter. Why would he give us something that was so pleasant to the eye and bitter to the taste? We will have to suffer with the bitterness. Here eat it fast and try not to gage. Look over there it is a wound. I have found what could help our situation, so that he may give again and know what we find tasteful instead of bitter. I have some antibiotics for the wound. It stopped the bleeding. My dear one, we will make it and you won't have to suffer to breathe anymore. Time has passed and I don't understand why we are still waiting for food. Let us look at our wound, surely it has healed. No, it is worse, but I gave it attention. I will patch it this time and see if it will hold together the wound so that it may heal. Finally, we have found our way to help heal the wound. Look he is seeing us. Smile. Wait. He is talking to us. It is beautiful and we are getting food to servive. Here indulge yourself now, for I feel we will be getting more, and we can share just as well. I hope that this wound will be treated well and heal well. Maybe I should keep my eyes on it until I know that it is better. Why have we not received any food in a while, I have watched the wound and it is healing. I have just given away what we had left. I see you are doing better and I am thankful that you are able to breathe again. I feel better now that you are here by my side and working as a part of me again. Do you know what might be going wrong? What another wound, but how could that be? Look he is talking to us again. What? Did he just say those negative words? He did, but I don't understand. Where did he get that idea, that I thought so poorly of him? I have been here watching the wound. Please try to keep that frown from coming out. Hold it. I know it drains a lot of your energy, but you must not let him see. Oh, the wound is bleeding through the patch and the other is getting worse. We will get through this, I know we will. Tell him, tell him of the wound. I will, I will tell him of the wound. What will he think of it though, will he acuse me for it being exposed? No, he wouldn't. He did. How could I have wanted to try and tell him of the wound. He is looking again, quick the smile so that he forgets about the wounds. There, he has forgotten. You look pale again. Here have this, it is a part of me. It is a small portion of my hope, but the little piece that I give you will be plenty for you to hold on for a little while longer. I need you as a part of me. I had you, and it only lasted a short moment. The wounds remind me of waterfalls now, but I don't know what else to do. I have used every patch I had.


Where are you going?
I had asked her kindly
With high emotions

The friend looked
Smiled at me and turned
Continuing on

My heart had dropped
I felt a tear on my face
Knees were to the ground

She looked back once
And faded off to the dark
Seen no more by me

My dearest friend
Abandoned my one hope
Sorrow filled me

Search for another
Who could be as kind as her?
So that I could smile

"Not Coming Back"

Your thoughts are not here
Your eyes are not clear
Yet you bother me with your pain
And you bother me with your gain
What will you decide is better
Please before you forget her

And you can die in this place
Cry in this face
And you will never see

I lived in a town
It was going down
You were standing right by me
But how long would that be
We slid apart across butter
You didn't even mutter

And you can die in this place
cry in this face
And you will never see

Tell me now, are you ready to start again?


I had a dream of you
How tall and pure you were
If I had not looked away
I could have loved you
Now I mourn for you
Decay away from me
Take your words with you
And leave me unharmed
Rip it out of my heart
Just leave me numb
I would have loved to love you
But it’s just not the same
I turned away
I put the dagger in my heart
Now take your piece and go
Clear my dreams of you


Where were my words when I needed them
When your Pestering disturbed me
When you couldn't shut up
You smell and eat your own shit
Shut up, Shut up, please
Yes point and ask, but try to figure it out

"Song of the End"

Though my hands are crossed by my heart and my lips forever remain shut.
I can look upon myself and be pleased from what I had become.
I may lay here while people morn after me, but only to know that I will soon be forgotten.
I beg for one thing from you, that you make your life better than I have made mine.
Put an impact on the next generation.
I have done my part, please do yours.

"Inner lust of a dying world"

I want to murder you, but you are not ther...
I want to hurt you, but I know you don't care...
Our skin is slowly turning fare...
Will you please close your eyes forever if you dare...
Someone help me please it's growing and I need you.
My body is acking more and more.
My head is crashing, my mind hurts.
My heart is suficating and my eyes bleed.
I have all cramped up.
I am tired, but my dreams have been keeping me up.
Fire hits my soul and I am burning up.
I think my stomac has turned inside out and my throught is lost inside of it.
Things are so unclear and my desire to kill has grown red.


Every time this door is opened all we see is our manifestations.
It crawls on our backs up our spines and hits us hard in our heads.
What a great diversion we have created for ourselves.
In this lonely time our vengance has no meaning.
Spatter is now on our souls and we smile like we are clean.

We lock up our life to every one we see and not let them know of our fornications.
How unjust to wake up and make our beds.
I would love to jump into your heart and shut all the valves.
Gnaw at the splinters to quench myself at my feeding.
Just so that I could be presentable to my master and not feign.
If we are all the same than why am I not indulging myself in selfesh comportment.
And I try to talk to a world that is incoherent.