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Hello and welcome to Webmonkey, the site that's been teaching people how to build websites of their own since 1996. If you're fixing to create your very first website, then you're in the right spot. (Not sure what you want? Before you dive in, perhaps you'd prefer to get your feet wet with a tour of our site.) OK, ready? Set?

Get Going

Web pages are created with a super-simple coding language called HTML — you can learn it in just a few hours with our Teaching Tool Too easy for you? Try building a sturdy Table or Frame Want more? (Now you're just showing off!) Maybe it's time to work on your images.

Got the Picture?

Is that text-only page too Spartan for your tastes? Spice up your new-found HTMLoquence with some graphics for extra credit, make those images transparent or clickable. Itching to share your graphically enhanced page with the world? Before you can do anything, you need a place to store your site.

Move 'Em on Up

Most Internet Service Providers (ISP) provide space for a website along with Internet connectivity. But you can also get free Web real estate at places like our sister sites Tripod and Angelfire. Once you have the "land" to build, you need to get your HTML pages off your computer and onto your Web space. Tripod and Angelfire offer easy, built-in ways to upload your files, but if you're storing your site with an ISP, you can use programs such as CuteFTP (Windows) or Fetch (Mac) to do the deed.

And voilà! You are now the proud owner of your very first website.

Making a Monkey Out of You

If this taste of website building has left you starved for more, there's plenty you can do to elevate your site to the next level. Webmonkey posts new tutorials every week, and there's a variety of ways to stay in the loop about what we're up to. And fellow Lycos network site HtmlGear offers pre-fab goodies such as guestbooks , polls and content rotators which give you a quick-fix way to beef up your site. Find yourself itching to learn just how to build baubles like those from scratch? Congratulations! You're ready to graduate (cue "Pomp and Circumstance") from Beginner to Builder