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  Home Navigation   Wednesday 26 March 2003 - Scripting Process By Freya

  Welcome to the new version of the site, I've been somewhat busy of late and I've now really   began to get to grips with the page and actually began to do some work. I expect to have the   majority of the website up and running by late April, or maybe even earlier if I can get some help   with the HTML and game sections. To allow you to understand how and when this rest of this   website is up, I will explain now; I will try to script up the actual 'Site' pages first, later moving on   compiling game sections and screen shots. If you need to contact me, please do so here. For   now, please look around the sections that are up and please come back regularly to see new   things each time.

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  Legal   Wednesday 26 March 2003 - Features By Freya
  Media Player

  Currently, the features that this site will host are, Free E-Mail, Forums, Chat Room, Mailing List   and over 1 Gig of Images, Music and Movies. I'm not saying that this whole site will leap out and   bite you with flourishing content, but I'm hoping it will keep you entertained, and within time, I will   hope to have developed a website worthy of the Sonic fanbase with a decent amount of visitors.

More Information
  Featured Section   Wednesday 26 March 2003 - Staff Application By Freya

  I'm currently looking for a few good scripters, that have the ability to manipulate and create   code, in HTML and moderate JavaScript; I will help people where needed. I'm also looking for   some people to collect news and report on happenings in and around the Sonic world, I would   also like to appoint form Forum and Chat leaders. If you are interested in any of these posistions,   just E-Mail me your name, age, Screen-name/alias and some form of communication, whether it   be E-Mail, AIM, MSN, or Yahoo!.

  Latest News
 Sonic Mega Collection Released In Europe.

 Sonic Advance 2 Nears Release Date.

 Sonic On The PS2?

 Sonic Mega Collection 2 To Be Developed?
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